This section highlights some of the features that are available in the StreamV Special Pricing System.
Multiple Inventory Price levels. Up to 11 different price levels and 5 costs can be specified for each inventory item and used for customer pricing.
Customer Specific Pricing. Each customer can be set up to use one of 11 the available Inventory price levels or one of the 5 available inventory cost fields when calculating the prices for the items ordered by the customer.
Customer Specific Discounts. A discount percentage can be specified for each customer and if present the discount is used along with the customer price level when calculating the prices for the items ordered by the customer.
Foreign Currency Support The prices for foreign currency sales orders can be automatically calculated using the local currency price level amounts for the item and the most recent exchange rate for the currency being processed, or Prices records can be created for each item and currency combination. If a Prices record is found for the currency, item, and price level specified for the order, the Prices record is used instead of the local currency price levels. The Price records allow you to specify the exact price to be used for a specific price level and foreign currency instead of basing the foreign currency price on the most recent currency exchange rate.
Buying Group Support - Pricing can be set up for specific customers or Buying Groups can be set up and multiple customers can be assigned to the buying group. This option reduces the amount of work required for special pricing setup and maintenance.
Special Pricing Records can be set up in the Special Pricing or Special file (File 72) to support unique pricing requirements for specific items, customers or buying groups, and or to track any rebate amounts due to your company. There are numerous different types of special pricing records that are supported by the system, including.
Customer Specific Prices A Customer specific special price is used to define the price to be used for a specific customer, item and quantity during a specific period of time. A Customer specific price can also include a rebate amount and or a specific cost that should be used when the order being processed qualifies for the special price. Multiple Customer Specific special prices can be set up for a single customer and item combination in order to handle quantity breaks.
Buying Group Prices - A Buying Group price is used to define the price to be used for a group of customers and a specific item during a specific period of time. A Buying Group special price record can also include a rebate amount and a specific cost that should be used when the order being processed qualifies for the special price. Multiple Buying Group special price records can be set up for a single buying group and item combination in order to handle quantity breaks.
Contract Prices Contract prices are used to specify the price to be charged for a specific customer or buying group and item combination. Contract prices are normally associated with a contract or agreement between the customer or group of customers and your company. If a contract number is specified during the order entry process, the system will return only those special pricing records for the specified contract and it will not include any other available prices for the customer, item and qty being processed. If a contract is not specified during order entry, the system will include any available prices (including contract prices) when calculating the target price for the order line. The primary difference between a contract price and any other special price is how it is selected. If a contract number is specified in the order, the system pulls up only the special price records for the contract. If no contract is entered during order entry, the system checks all available prices for the customer, item, and quantity being processed.
Sale Prices - Special pricing records can be set up for a specific item, date range and quantity. Sale Prices are available to all customers and are used to handle items that are placed on sale for a specific period of time.
Quantity Prices: Special Pricing records can be set up to allow you to base the price for an item on the quantity of the item that is being ordered. Each Quantity pricing record is only valid during the date range defined in the record and multiple records can be set up for each item to handle different quantity breaks and or periods of time. Quantity Prices are available to all customers.
GSA Prices. Customers can be flagged as eligible for GSA pricing and GSA Special Pricing records can be set up to automatically calculate the appropriate GSA price for each item. GSA prices are available for any customers that have the GSA flag set to Y in the Customer Master file.
Special Prices can be used to specify an optional commission cost, cost, and or rebate available for a particular sale in addition to the price to be used for the sale.
Special and Contract prices can be forced. The Force flag in the special pricing record can be used to force the system to use a specific price for the customer even when it is not the best price available for the customer and item being processed.
Class Discounts Discount or Markup factors can be specified by Product Class. These factors can be used to calculate Class prices and Buying Group Class prices, and can also be applied to special price records (based on the Class Discount field in each special pricing record).
Class Exceptions Records can be created in the Class Exceptions table to allow an item to be excluded from the class discount calculations (this allows one or more items for a specific inventory class to be treated as if they are in another inventory class by the pricing system).
PQDS The Price Quantity Discount System allows you to adjust Price Level, Discounted Price Level, Special, Contract and Class Discount pricing based on the quantity of the item being purchased, or on the value of the order line. System parameters allow you to control the specific pricing options that the PQDS adjustments are applied to, and the PQDS field in each special pricing record also allows you to specify whether the PQDS adjustments are applied to each special price record.
Rebate Records The Special Pricing system allows you to create rebate records to track the refund amounts due to your company from manufacturer or vendor rebates.
Price Calculation Display The StreamV Order Entry program allows you to display the information that is being used to calculate the target price for the order line being created, and it displays the target price calculation itself. This option allows you to determine where a specific price is being obtained.