SQL Report Selector

The SQL Report Selector is activated from the SQL Query programs that are available throughout the StreamV system such as the CRM Query, the Order Query and the  Invoices or AR Query.  The SQL Report Selector is used to select the query report that you wish to run, view, or edit.  The SQL Selector can also be used to create a new SQL query for the Query program that it is activated from.

The SQL Report Selector is divided into several sections.  The Top section includes a Header that displays the program name, and the type of query reports that are being displayed (i.e. SQL: CRM, AR, AP, CATALOG).  The top section of the program also includes  the Standard Toolbar, and a browse that lists the query reports that are available from the Query program that you are running.

The lower section of the SQL Report Selector contains a window which displays the description from the selected SQL query or report, and several buttons that are used to manage the queries that are displayed by the program.


Refresh Button

Send2Cove Button

Import Button

Export Button

Copy Button

Select Button