Vendor Management System Startup Tasks

This section describes the Installation and Setup Procedures for the Vendor Management (VM) System.

The basic steps required to install the Vendor Management System are. 

      Setting up the new record default information for new Vendors.  Set up the New Record Default information to be used by the system when a new vendor record is being created.  The Vendor Management program automatically defaults information into the program when you create a new vendor record.  This default information is used to speed up the entry of new vendors and to make sure that valid information is entered into the required fields in each record. 

      Setting up the field labels used for vendor and vendor contact data.  Define and identify any custom fields, enter language records as required.

      Setting up validation tables for vendor and vendor contact information

      Load./Create Vendor Records – each vendor must be assigned a unique Company Name and Account Number, and the required fields in each record should be loaded with valid information based on the information entered into the Tables that are used to validate vendor information.

      Load/Create Vendor contact records.  Vendor contacts are the individuals that work for the vendor company.  The contacts are each pointed to specific vendor company

      Load other vendor information (comments, images, cross reference items, special pricing)

      Data validation.  Run the orphan check and datacheck utilities to make sure your vendor data can be used for processing.

      Setting up menu, program and field level security.  Set up the field security to be used for the Vendor and other fields that can be modified from the Vendor Management program.

      Configuring other system parameters

      Set the System Counters that are used by the Vendor Management System.



      Testing and fine tuning.

      Final data conversion and data validation


Vendor Management System Startup Checklist