This section describes the Installation and Setup Procedures for the Vendor Management (VM) System.
The basic steps required to install the Vendor Management System are
• Install the StreamV Application and Demonstration Data.
• Create a new workspace for your company data (this normally involves installing the Database server and creating a set of data files on the server using the demonstation data).
• Zero out of modify the demonstration data files as appropriate.
• Create or modify the existing records in the Table files that are used to validate the divisions, departments, payment terms, shipment terms, shipment methods and other information in each vendor record.
• Set up the New Record Default information to be used by the system when a new vendor record is being created. The Vendor Management program automatically defaults information into the program when you create a new vendor record. This default information is used to speed up the entry of new vendors and to make sure that valid information is entered into the required fields in each record. The Vendor default information can be accepted or changed as required during vendor setup (based on the field security settings that are being used for the operator/program).
• Set up the field security to be used for the Vendor and other fields that can be modified from the Vendor Management program.
• Create Vendor Records – each vendor must be assigned a unique Company Name and Account Number, and the required fields in each record should be loaded with valid information based on the information entered into the Tables that are used to validate vendor information.
• Set the System Counters that are used by the Vendor Management System.
VM Programs
This section describes the programs that are contained in the VDF (Visual Dataflex) Vendor Management System. This section also describes the specific components which are contained in each of the Vendor Management programs and how each program should be used when viewing, creating, and updating the vendor records in your system.
Note: This section describes the individual programs in the Vendor Management System and how they should be used. The information in this section is used to display program specific help in each of the Vendor Management programs. For more information about completing a specific task (which may require using several different views or programs), please see the Daily and Monthly Procedures sections of this documentation. Also please note that some vendor related procedures are described in the documentation for the Accounts Payable and Purchasing Systems.
VDF programs are windows based programs and they are organized into modules. Each of the VDF modules normally contains multiple programs and these programs can belong to one or more different applications. For example, the Accounts Payable Module includes accounts payable programs, the Purchase Order Lookup (which is part of the Purchasing System), journal entry lookups (from the General Ledger System), and bank lookups (from the Bank System)
VDF programs are completely documented in the module that they are most closely associated with and they are briefly referred to from other modules. The online help system will normally display the correct help topic for each program automatically, regardless of the module that the help program is called from.
VDF executables contain Pull down Menus which list the available programs in each module. The pull down menu for a module is normally organized based on the program type. Typical pull down menu options include Operations, Lookups, Reports, and Maintenance/Utilities programs. Other pull down options that are specific to each module are also supported. The Pull Down options that are available in each application are restricted based on your specific menu options and security settings (what programs have been included in each menu and the operator rights that are have been defined in order to access them).