Zoom - RA Line Detail Panel

When a valid RA Line is selected in the Returns Lines Lookup program and the Zoom option is selected, the system activates the RA Line Detail Panel and it loads the panel with the information for the selected RA Line.

The RA Line Detail Panel displays both historical and status information about the selected RA Line Item.  The information that is displayed in the panel includes the item being returned, the quantity of the item that is being returned, the quantity of the item received in house, and the quantity of the item that has been cross-shipped to the customer or disposed of.  The panel also displays the commission cost for the item being returned and the return and replace values that are associated with the line.  The Return and Replace values are used when the RA is used to create a credit memo or a replacement order for the customer.

The RA Line Detail Panel also contains the Standard Toolbar.  The Standard Toolbar contains standard options which allow you to access any comment or image information associated with the RA.  The Standard Toolbar also includes a Help option which allows you to access the Cove Field Help System.  The Field Help system can be used to display the database definitions for the fields which are displayed in the panel.


Serial Numbers - RA Line Serial Number Lookup