RA Lines Lookup

The RA Lines Lookup program displays the RA Line Items for the selected Return Authorization.   RA Line Item records specify the items and quantities that are being returned by the customer.  The fields which are displayed in the RA Lines Lookup can be customized, but they normally include the item being returned, the quantity being returned, the quantity already received inhouse, the quantity of the ra line that has already been disposed, and the quantity that has been cross shipped to the customer.. 

Additional information for each RA Line Item can be viewed by using the Zoom option that is available in the Lookup program, or by using the buttons that are located on the Standard Toolbar to view any comment or image information that has been created for the return or return line.  The Standard Toolbar also includes a Help option that can be used to display the definitions for the various fields that are shown in the lookup.


Zoom - RA Line Detail Panel

Serial Numbers - RA Line Serial Number Lookup

Returns Comment