When a valid sales order line is selected in the Sales Order Lines Lookup and the Zoom option is selected, the system activates the Sales Order Line Detail Panel and it loads the panel with the information for the selected sales order line.
The Sales Order Line Detail Panel displays detailed information about the selected sales order, quote, or loaner order line.
The Sales Order Line Detail Panel also allows you to
• View and edit any Comments that are associated with the selected Sales order line or the associated Sales Order Header. The Comment Button on the Cove Standard Toolbar can be used to view and edit any existing comment records for the order line or header or to add a comment to the order line or header.
• View and edit any Image records that are associated with the selected sales order line. The Images Button on the Cove Standard Toolbar allow you to view any existing image records that are associated with the order line and it also allows you to associate a new image record with the order line.
• Access File and Field Level Help - The Field Help Option in the Sales Order Header Line panel (located on the Cove Standard Toolbar) allows you to access the Data Dictionary Field Help program which can be used to display the File and Field definitions for each of the fields displayed in the Sales Order Line Detail Panel.
• View any Data Change History that has been recorded for the selected order line. The Record Data Change history option – which is available using the More menu, allows you to activate the Changes Viewer program – which displays the data change history (order edit information) for the order line.
The Sales Order Line Detail Panel displays the information for the selected sales order line. Since each sales order line stores a large amount of information, the Sales Order Line Detail Panel is divided into several different sections or Tab Pages. These objects are used to organize the information that is displayed in the panel. The Tab Pages are described below.
Please note: You may display the field definitions for each of the database fields displayed in the Sales Order Line Detail panel by using the Help Button that is located on the Cove Standard Toolbar to access the Data Dictionary Field Help program.
The Sales Order Line Detail Panel is part of the CRM System and it is completely described in the documentation for that system. You may obtain more information about the program by activating it and using the Help key to display the primary help documentation for the program.