Advanced Tab Page

The Advanced Tab Page is used to display additional information for the order being processed in the Order Invoicing program.  The fields displayed in the Advanced Tab Page are briefly described below.  Please see the Field Help information for more information about each of these fields.

Rep:  The Sales Rep associated with the order being processed.

Picker:  The initials of the person who picked the items.

Packer: The initials of the person who packed the shipment.

Original Inv:  The Original Invoice that the current invoice is associated with (if applicable).

Ra Number:  The RA or Return Authorization Number that the current invoice is associated with (if applicable).  This field is loaded when the Order Invoicing program is called from the RA System to create a credit memo for goods returned by a customer.

Last Invoice:  The Last Invoice Number associated with the order being processed.  This information is updated by the Order Invoicing program each time an invoice is generated for the order.

Printed Date:  The Date on which the last Picklist for the order was printed.  This information is loaded by the Picklist Management program when a picklist is generated for an order that will be shipped out of one of your warehouse locations.

Printed Time:  The time when the last picklist for the order was printed.  This information is loaded by the Picklist Management program when a picklist is generated for an order that will be shipped out of one of your warehouse locations.

Printed By:  The Operator initials of the operator who last printed a picklist for the order being processed.   This information is loaded by the Picklist Management program when a picklist is generated for an order that will be shipped out of one of your warehouse locations.

Fulfillment PO:  The Fulfillment PO field is used to store the PO number associated with the shipping address for the order being processed.  If the order being processed involves two different companies (such as when your customers have you ship product directly to their customer), the Fulfillment PO allows you to record both the PO from your customer to you (in the PO field) and the PO from the Ship to company in the order to the Bill to company in the order.

Contact number:  The unique contact number of the contact record associated with the order.

Original Order:  The Original Order field is used to document the original order number that the current sales order was created from (when applicable).  This field is loaded when orders are duplicated or a new order is created from an existing quote.

Opportunity No:  The Opportunity Number of the Opportunity record that the order is associated with.  This field allows a sales order to be linked to a specific opportunity record in the CRM System.

Quote No:  The Order Number of the Quote Associated with the sales order.  The Quote Number field is normally loaded when a new sales order is created from an existing quote.


Lines Tab Page