Automatic MinGpm Calculation over-ride on Manufacturer Pricing

The StreamV Special Pricing System also supports advanced Manufacturer Pricing options that can be used to handle more complicated pricing situations.  These options should only be implemented when you have a clear pricing strategy in place as they are complicated to explain to users and require additional record setup and maintenance.

Minimum GPM Over-ride on Manufacturer Pricing – This option, which is enabled by creating records in the LongCode File, causes the target price calculation to use the minimum GPM from the Inventory record during manufacturer price calculations.  If the manufacturer price is below the minimum GPM for the item, the system over-rides the manufacturer price with a price that matches the minimum margin that has been specified for the item.



Description – Contents




Customer Account Number




{Customer Account Number} – optional


Y – Force Minimum GPM

N – Normal Mode (default)

•      If the above record is entered without an item number or a customer account number it is treated as the global default for forcing minimum GPM on Manufacturer pricing (all customers, all items).  Y and N are both valid settings.

•      If above record is entered with an item number and no company account number, the record determines the behavior for the item.  Y and N are valid settings.

•      If the above record is entered with both an item number and a company account number, the record over-rides the settings in the first two switches for the company, item combination specified in the record.  N is the only valid setting, Y is not supported (turning force gpm on for a specific customer and item combination is handled using a different record type).  This record is only checked if the force gpm indicator is already set to Y.



Description – Contents




{Account Number}




Y – Allow Force Minimum GPM

N – Force Normal ManuPrice default (default)

•      This record allows you to turn off the Force GPM logic for a specific company account number and all items.  N is a valid setting for the Data1 field.  This parameter is only checked if the force gpm indicator is already set to Y.



Description – Contents




{Account Number}




{Manufacturer Name} – Optional


{Inventory Prodline} – Optional


{Inventory Item} – Optional


Y – Allow Force Minimum GPM

N – Force Normal ManuPrice default (default)


•      This record allows you to force minimum GPM for a specific item, a specific manufacturer, or a specific prodline (or a combination of the same).  Y and N are valid settings for the Data1 field.  The system first checks for the most specific record and then it searches for records with less specific information in them.  This record is searched for regardless of how the min gpm indicator is set – so it can be used to override any of the prior force gpm records in the Longcode table. The code tries to find the correct Longcode record in the following sequence.

•      Company Account,Manufacturer,Prodline,Item

•      Company Account, Manufacturer,Prodline

•      Company Account, Manufacturer.

If any of these records are in the Longcode table, the system uses the first one that it locates.



Description – Contents




{Account Number}




{Manufacturer Name} – Optional


{Inventory Prodline} – Optional


{Inventory Item} – Optional


Y – Allow Force Manu-Price

N – Force Normal Price calculation default (default)

•      This record allows you to force the target price calculation to use the manufacturer price instead of the “Best Price Available” for the customer and item being processed.   In general, the logic used in the Special Pricing System is to offer the customer best or lowest price available for the item, and quantity being processed.   The exceptions to this rule are when the customer qualifies for a special pricing record which has the Force Flag set to Y (indicating that the price should be forced regardless of whether or not it is the lowest price), and when the above record has been created in the Longcode file.  If this record exists, the Target Price Calculation calculates the manufacturer price for the item and it returns this price as the Target Price (regardless of any other prices that are available. 

•      The record selection logic for this record type works the same as in the “ManuPriceMinGpmForce” records described above

Options summary

The following section describes the options that are available with each of the Longcode Tables presented in the previous sections.   On and Off indicates how flag can be set when using that type of Longcode record.

Longcode:  F108DETL ManuPriceAutoMinGpm

Global (no item, no account) – On or Off

Item - (item specified, no account) - On or Off

Item/Company – (item and company account number specified) Off – only checked if one of 2 prior records are active.

Longcode: F054DETL ManuPriceAutoMinGpm

Company – company specified – Off.  This record is only checked for if the force GPM switch is set to Y.  It allows you to avoid forcing minimum GPM for a single company account and all inventory items.

Longcode: F054DETL ManuPriceMinGpmForce

Company Account/Manufacturer/Prodline/Item – On/Off – allows you to toggle force gpm flag for a specific item, company account combination.  The manufacturer and prodline should also be specified for this record type.

Company Account/Manufacturer/Prodline – On/Off – allows you to toggle the force gpm flag for a specific company account/manufacturer/prodline combination.

Company Account/Manufacturer/ – On/Off – allows you to toggle force gpm flag for a specific company account/manufacturer combination.

Company Account – On/Off – allows you to toggle the force gpm flag for a specific company account.