Stream also allows you to set up customer pricing based on the manufacturer of the item that is being processed. The Manufacturer for each item is specified in the Product Catalog and the Inventory or Warehouse records for each item.
Manufacturer pricing can be set up for individual customers or it can be set up for a specific buying group of customers. The system will calculate both the best customer specific and buying group manufacturer prices and it will return both of them (if applicable) to the target pricing routines.
Manufacturer prices can be specified for
• All items that have the specified manufacturer as the manufacturer in the Inventory Master file.
• Only items that belong to a specified Product Line and that are assigned to the specified manufacturer in the Inventory Master file.
• Only items that belong to the specified Product Line, and the specified Product Group, and that are assigned to the specified manufacturer in the Inventory Master file.
Manufacturer Prices are defined in the Prodauth file (file 109). Each record in the Prodauth file contains the following fields
Manufacturer – The manufacturer the pricing applies to. All Manufacturer pricing records must have the manufacturer name specified in the record.
Company or Buying Group – The Customer or the Group of customers that the manufacturer price applies to. All Manufacturer pricing records must contain the name of the customer or buying group that the record applies to.
Product Line – The Product Line that the manufacturer price applies to. The product line is an optional field. If the Product Line is specified, the price will be used only if the item being processed is assigned to the manufacturer AND the product line that is specified in the record.
Group – The Product Group that the manufacturer price applies to. The Group is an optional field. If the Product Group is specified, the price will be used only if the item being processed is assigned to the manufacturer AND the product line AND the product group that is specified in the record.
When manufacturer pricing has been set up, the system first checks for the most specific manufacturer price for the customer/item combination being processed (manufacturer, company or buying group, product line, and group). If the system finds a record that qualifies, it calculates and returns the price from that record.
If the system does not find a manufacturer record for the manufacturer, customer or buying group, product line and product group, it then checks for a record for the manufacturer, customer or buying group, and product line. If the system finds a record that qualifies, it calculates and returns the price from the record.
If the system does not find a manufacturer record for the manufacturer, customer or buying group, and product line, it then checks for a record for the manufacturer and customer or buying group. If the system finds a record that qualifies, it calculates and returns the price from the record.
The Manufacturer and the Manufacturer Buying Group prices are then returned to the FVPRICE object to be included in the target price calculation.
Automatic MinGpm Calculation over-ride
on Manufacturer Pricing