Bin Assignment/Put away

As items are received into inventory, built, or transferred into the warehouse, bin records are updated or created to reflect the change in quantity for the items.  The Bin that the inbound items are assigned to can normally be defaulted to the bin listed for the item in the Inventory Master (the default bin), or it can be defaulted to a specific bin for all items based on a system parameter.  As inventory transactions are processed, the appropriate bin record is updated with the new quantity, or a new bin record is created if necessary.  Warehouse transaction records are also written to document the changes to each bin quantity.

If the system has been set up to use the default bin for each item in the Inventory Master, certain transactions will cause a direct update to the default bin for the item.  Other transactions can only be processed using the specialized bin defined for the transaction in a system parameter file and this bin will be used for all items.  In some other cases, the transaction being processed only affects the existing bins for the item.  In these cases, the system prompts the operator to specify the bin to be used from a list of the existing bins.   When the system prompts the user to select a bin from a list of existing bins, the user can also use the insert key to create a new bin for the item (this is controlled by a security parameter).  If the insert key option is used, the system will load the bin field in the new bin record using the information in the default bin field of the inventory item (if present) and this information can be overwritten or accepted as required.

The following table summarizes the different bin put away transactions and which of these transactions allow you to directly update the default bin for the item.  Bin transfers are also included in this table as they also increase the quantity in the destination bin.



Bin Assignment Method   

Bin Transfer

Select from list of bins when prompted (new bin can also be created (using insert key) and then used during transfer.

Credit Memo (Direct Invoicing)

Assigned based on F248:OCICMBIN

Inventory Adjustment

Select from list of bins when prompted (new bin can be created (using insert key) and then used during adjustment.

Inventory Transfer

Select from list of bins in each warehouse location when prompted (new bin can also be created (using insert key) in destination location, and then used during transfer).

Pending Return to Inventory

Assigned based on F248:PENDBIN

Receiving (PO and Non PO)

Default from F70 or assign based on F248:PRDEFBIN

Shop Order Completion (Finished goods)

Default from F70 or assign based on F248:SFFGBIN

Shop Order Completion (By products)

Assigned based on F248:SFBPBIN

RA Disposition

Assigned based on F248:OCRCMBIN


Receiving Dock Processing - Reserved Bins