Budget Forecast Button – Budget/Forecast Lookup

When an Account Description Record is highlighted in the Account Lookup program and the Budget/Forecast Button is selected, the system activates the Budget/Forecast Lookup program.  The Budget/Forecast lookup program displays the Account Period records for the selected account in the Year, Division and Department that were specified in the Account Lookup.  The Budget/Forecast Lookup is normally configured so that it displays both the Actual and Budget or Forecast Amounts for each period.  This allows you to quickly see if the account balance is above or below the budgeted or forecast amount.

A window in the lower left corner of the Budget/Forecast Lookup program displays the information (Forecast or Budget) that is currently being displayed in the program.  The Toggle Budget/Forecast Button can be used to switch or toggle the display between the Budget and Forecast amounts for the account.

The Budget/Forecast Lookup program is described in more detail in a later section of this document.


Journal Entry Review