Catalog User Field Labels

Application Default

The Catalog User fields are defined at the database level as fields U1 – U10.  The Catalog Manager and Catalog Detail Panel programs use the field label property for the current object (field) to determine the label that should be displayed next to each window in the program – For example, this value is U1 for the U1 field (F108:105) in the Catalog Manager.  This logic is based on the source code used to generate the programs.  No action is required in order to use the program default values for the user field labels

The StreamV application will use the default screen label for these fields in the database – including the Catalog user fields,  (U1: for example), unless one of the options below has been enabled.  The options are presented in the order that they are used by the system (the most specific record is used when it is available for a given item).

Field Display Name

StreamV supports custom field names on a systemwide basis using the Textdata SCR Fieldnam option.  If a custom fieldname is entered for a field (to redefine how it is used, or make the field description more user friendly), that fieldname will over-ride the default screen name for the field thruout the system.  When the StreamV application is installed, the Fieldnames for the User fields are set to User Field1 – UserField 10 by default

When the Catalog Manager or Catalog Detail programs are activated, the programs check for the System Control Record F240:SCR FIELDNAM in the Textdata file.  This record can be maintained on a global, group, branch or user level.

The FIELDNAM system control record or records are used to display company specific field labels for all fields in the StreamV System (including the user fields in the Catalog Manager).  The FIELDNAM System Control record allows you to handle situations where the labels for the user fields in the Catalog file need to be customized, AND the custom labels for each field are the same for all items.  For example – if you sell computer monitors and wanted to store the refresh rate for each item in the Catalog U1 field (F108:105), you could add a record to the SCR FIELDNAM record so the system displays the label “Refresh” next to the field for all items.  When the Fieldnam option is used, the Catalog user fields are added to the FIELDNAM system control record, and the label from the control record is used in place of the program default field label. 

TLC – Foreign Currency Translation

StreamV also supports automatic foreign currency translation of the standard (U1 in above example ) or Fieldnam field labels (User1) in the application.  When the system is checking the field name to be displayed to the user, it first looks for a Fieldnam record.  If found, the fieldnam value for the field is checked against the TLC (Text Language Conversion) records in the database.  If there is a TLC for the field being displayed in the currency defined for the current operator, the TLC value is used (displayed on the screen) in place of the default fieldnam value.  The same check  and translation is also done for the standard screen labels used by the application when a Fielnam record value is not present for the field.

Item Specific Catalog User Field Labels

In some situations, the information that needs to be stored in the user fields in each catalog record may depend on the item being viewed.  StreamV supports this requirement using Catalog Label Sets.

This advanced option is designed to handle situations where a company’s products have widely varying attributes that need to be recorded for later display, and/or processing.  In this case the labels for the Catalog User fields can be set for groups of  items, by assigning each item to the appropriate Labelset. 

The Labelset records contain the field display names to be used for each of the user fields in the Catalog record, and when an item belonging to the Labelset is being viewed, the system displays the user field lables defined in the Labelset.

The Labelset option will cause the system to display different field labels for the items that have a Labelset defined for them in the Catalog record.  Items which do not have a specific Labelset or “AUTO” entered into the Labelset field in the Catalog record, will use the system wide Catalog user label logic described in the previous sections.

To implement this option.

•      The Labelsets themselves are first defined and entered into a Gencode Table F108:181.  This Catalog Item Label Set Gencode table defines the valid label sets that can be assigned to each item, and it determines if the label set is required for all items.  You may set the blanks allowed indicator for the table to no to make the field required for all items, or you may set it to Y to make the catalog label set optional – so that it can assigned to some items and not to others.  Standard Gencode entries might include Monitors, Drives, or similar product types or lines, and there is also an auto option – that determines the label set to be displayed based on the information present in each item (if the catalog labelset is set to Auto, the system uses information in the item record, like the productline or group, manufacterers, etc to determines which Catalog User field display names should be used for the item.

•      The Item Specific option allows you to create multiple label sets for the catalog user fields and to point each Catalog record to a specific label set.  When the Item specific option is used, multiple Catalog Item Label records are created in the Textdata file and each of these Catalog Item Label records are formatted based on the items they will be used for (for example, you might have a MONITORS label set that contains field labels that are meaningful for computer monitors, such as Display size, Refresh, Resolution and Dot Pitch, and a DRIVES label set that contains field labels such as Capacity, RPM, Format, Form Factor, etc). 

•      When the Item Specific option is used, CIL or Catalog Item Label records should be entered into the textdata file. One or more than one CIL Textdata record can be created as required.  The Textdata records should correspond to the codes being used in the Gencode Table that is used to Control the Labelset field in the Catalog Manager.  The CIL records can contain custom field names for all or for only some of the user fields in the record.  Using the above example, you might create two different labelsets – DRIVES and MONITORS in the Textdata file, and then set up a Gencode Table for the Catalog Labelset field with the same values in it.  You could also set the blanks allowed indicator in the Gencode table as appropriate.  If you allow blanks, this setup would allow you to use the system wide labels (Labelset in Catalog set to blank value), or one of the Item Specific options (DRIVES or MONITORS) for each item.

•      When the Item Specific option is being used, the Labelset for each item should be entered into the Labelset field of each Catalog record.  The system then checks the Labelset field in each Catalog record as it is selected to see if a specific Labelset should be used for the item.  If the LabelSet field for the record set to something other than blank or AUTO, the system searches for a Catalog Item Label or CIL record in the Textdata file that has a code equal to the Labelset defined in the item. If this textdata record is found, the system uses the text from the record to display the labels for the user fields for the item.

•      The Auto option allows the system to automatically display the appropriate field labels for each Catalog record based on data that is stored in the catalog record.  If the Labelset field in the Catalog record is set to AUTO, the system tries to find the appropriate label file for the item based on the data in various fields in the Catalog record.  The system also uses LABELSET records in the Longcode table for this option   This logic is used to find the appropriate textdata CIL (Catalog Item Label) record to use when displaying the user field labels for each item.

•      When the Auto Option is used, “AUTO” should be entered into the Labelset field of the Catalog Records (this value should also be included in the Gencode table used to control the Labelset field in the Catalog Programs).

•      When the Auto Option is used, Longcode records are used to define the product information that determines which label file is used for the item.  The Longcode records can store the following information and they are searched in a defined sequence – which is listed below, so that the most specific labelset can be used for each item.

•      Automatic Label Display logic – searches the LABELSET records in the Longcode table using the following sequences.  For each of the supported structures, the system tries to find the best or most detailed match for each item.

Manufacturer Acct#, Product Line, Product Group

          BizLine, Product Line, Product Group

Product Line, Product Group

The code first looks for a LABELSET record in the Longcode table that contains the Manufacturer Account#, Product Line and Product Group from the selected item.   If found the system uses the CIL Textdata record that is defined in DATA1 of the Loncode record.   If no valid Longcode record is found, the system then tries to find a LABELSET  Longcode record that contains the Manufacturer Account# and Product Line from the selected item.  If found the system uses the CIL Textdata record defined in the Data1 field of the Longcode record.  If no valid Longcode record is found, the system then tries to find a LABELSET  Longcode record that contains the Manufacturer Account# from the selected item.  If a valid  Longcode record is found, the system uses the label file defined in the Longcode record, if no valid record is found, the system starts searching the second supported structure using the same logic -  Bizline Product Line and Product Group, Then Bizline/Product Line, Then Bizline only.

Gencode, Textdata and Longcode records used for Catalog User Field Labels

This section describes the various control and table records used by the system when displaying Catalog User Field labels.

Gencode Labelset Table

The Gencode Labelset Table (Table Name F108:181) is used to define and control the Labelsets that can be assigned to your Catalog records.  A sample table is shown below

Table Name





Auto – based on fields in item – see doc.



Drives Catalog Label Set



Monitors Catalog Label Set

Note:  If you set the blanks allowed indicator for this table to Y, the Labelset will be optional (not required for all items).  If you set the blanks allowed indicator to N, you will need to assign all Catalog items to the appropriate Labelset (at the same time you create the table), and you will need to assign a valid Labelset each time you set up a new item.

Textdata Catalog Item Lable (CIL) Records

The Catalog Item Labels are stored in records in the TextData file.  The Text field in each of the text data records can contain 10 lines, one for each user field label. Each line in the text field should be ended with a carriage return.  The TextData record format is shown below.  Note.  You may define the Catalog labels to be used for only some or for all user fields in each CIL record (you may have 5 custom labels that apply to drives type items and 6, that apply to monitors).  The system will use only the information that is contained in each CIL record – (it will display 5 custom labels for the drives items, 6 for monitors).  The labels should be defined in sequence (ie 5 labels means use or define the first 5 user fields).

TextData Catalog Item Label record format



Sample Entry


CIL (Catalog Item Labels)



The Label Set Code – should match the Gencode Entries (code field), except for Auto.



Not Used



Not Used



Contains the list of labels (1 – 10)





Longcode Labelset Records

The Longcode Labelset records are used with the Auto option only and are not required unless you wish to use this option.

Longcode LABELSET record format






Manufacturer Account#


Product Line


Product Group


Name of the Textdata Catalog Item Label or CIL record in the Textdata file to be used by the system for this combination – i.e. DRIVES

Note:  Multiple Labelset records are supported for the auto option – for example, the above record is only 1 of 3 different records that can be supported for the Manufacturer Account#/Product Line/Product Group Structure.  You could also set up 2 additional records for that one structure (one with the Manufacturer Acct#/Product Line (Code 3 is left blank), and one with just Manufacturer Acct# in Code1 (code 2 and 3 are left blank) .

Foreign Languages:  Each time a Catalog record is displayed in the Catalog Master, Catalog Detail Panel or on the Web Interface the system finds the appropriate LabelSet TextData record and displays the labels.  The Labels are processed by the TLC Language conversion code prior to display to handle multi-language situations (meaning if you have a TLC record that matches the user  field label in a given Textdata CIL record, for the language defined for the operator,  this TLC or foreign language label will displayed in place of the standard or English label.


Catalog User Field Validation