Class Pricing

Class or Class Discount Pricing uses the information from the Customer and Item number being processed and the information that has been entered into the PQDS System to calculate the target price for each sales order line.

To calculate a Class price, the system

      Calculates the Price Level Price for the order line.

      The system then searches for records in the Progdisc or Class Discounts file (File 210).  The Class Discounts file allows you to specify an adjustment factor that should be used when a specific customer or buying group are being used for the order being processed.  The Class discount records can be set up for a specific Customer/Item Prodline/Item Class combination, for a specific Customer/Item Class combination, for a specific Customer/Item Prodline combination, or for a specific customer (and all items).

When the system is calculating the Class price, the system looks for the most detailed record in the Progdisc table and it uses the first qualifying record that it finds.

The records are searched in the order

Customer /Item Prodline/Item Class

Customer /Item Class

Customer Item/Prodline


      The system then adjusts the price level price based on the factor in the selected Program or Class Discount record.  This adjustment can result in either an increase (a surcharge) or a decrease (discount) to the price level price used at the beginning of the calculation.  The resulting price is the Disc or discount price.

      Once the system has adjusted the price for the order line based on the Progdisc or Class Discounts Table, the system applies the information from the PQDS tables to the price.

      The system first applies any quantity adjustments from the Quantity Adjustment Tables.  It takes the customer, item prodline and class, and the quantity being ordered and it tries to find the most detailed record in the Qadjust or Quantity Adjustment Table that applies to the line being processed.  The code then uses the first qualifying record it finds.

The records in the Quantity Adjustment Table are searched in the order

Customer /Item Prodline/Item Class/Qty

Customer /Item Class/Qty

Customer Item/Prodline/Qty

Customer /Qty

If a qualifying record is found, the system adjusts the Discount price based on the factor in the Quantity Adjustment record.  The resulting price is the QAD or Quantity Adjusted price.  The price after adjustment can be higher or lower than the discount price for the line (based on the factor used in the quantity adjustment record).

      The system then applies any value adjustments from the Value Adjustment Tables.   It takes the customer, item prodline and class, and the extended value of the order line being entered and it tries to find the most detailed record in the Vadjust or Value Adjustment Table that applies to the line being processed.  The code then uses the first qualifying record it finds.

The records in the Value Adjustment Table are searched in the order

Customer /Item Prodline/Item Class/Value

Customer /Item Class/Value

Customer Item/Prodline/Value

Customer /Value

If a qualifying record is found, the system adjusts the Discount price based on the factor in the Quantity Adjustment record.  The resulting price is the VAD or Value Adjusted price.  The price after adjustment can be higher or lower than the discount price for the line (based on the factor used in the Value Adjustment record).

      Once the system has calculated the Class Discount, Value Adjusted and Quantity Adjusted prices for the order line, the fvprice object returns the lowest of the available prices from the calculation, it loads the basis commission cost for the order line, and it checks to see if the price on the order line meets minimum margin requirements.    If any of the auto minimum gpm options have been enabled, the system may also adjust the price on the order line to meet the minimum margin that has been specified for the item.


Buying Group Class Pricing