The Value Adjustment Tables can be used to set up additional discounts or surcharges for items purchased by individual companies or members of a specified buying group. The discounts or surcharges in this table are based on the company (or buying group), the item class and/or product line, and the total value (extended price) of the sales order line for the item being sold to the company. Records are set up in the Value Adjustment Table using the entity (company or buying group) and the item product line and or group that are to be adjusted. The value that must be sold to qualify for the discount (or surcharge) is also entered in each record along with the discount or surcharge applicable for the sale. During processing, the system checks a system parameter to determine if the price it has calculated should be adjusted using the PQDS (price quantity discount system) and if so, the system attempts to find a record in the Value Adjustment Table for the item being processed. The table is searched first for a record matching the company (or buying group the customer is assigned to) and the product line and class for the item being processed. If this is found it is used. If no match is found, the system then checks the company and class. If this is found, the information in the record is used. If no match is found there, the system then checks the company and product line being processed.