When the IFT system was implemented in the Visual Dataflex Application, some changes were made to the vendor and customer logic used by the system. The major changes were as follows.
One dedicated customer and vendor record are used for all inter-facility transfers between your warehouse locations. The system no longer requires you to maintain a vendor and customer record for each location being processed. The customer and the vendor records used by the System are normally created with the name Interfacility Transfer, and the records must be assigned an account of –COVELOC (the software looks for this account number when determining if an IFT transaction is being processed).
If you are updating to the 278C revision of the system and you have IFT transactions that are in process (meaning you have open sales or purchase orders, or any open IFT records in the Pending File, you should perform the following tasks in order to prepare the system to process new IFT transactions, and allow closing the existing IFT transactions on your system.
• Create the new customer and vendor records used by the IFT system as outlined in the Installation and Configuration section of this document. Basically, you should create one customer and vendor record to be used by the IFT System. The records should have a name of Interfacility Transfer and the records must have the account field set to –COVELOC in both the customer and vendor file. You should also create Shipto addresses for the -COVELOC customer. You should create one Shipto record for each of your warehouse locations and you should put the location name (i.e. RMA warehouse) in the Shipto record, and the warehouse location code (i.e. RMA) for the warehouse in the default location field of the ship to.
• Identify the open IFT sales orders on your system. If you have any open IFT sales orders, you may handle them as follows.
• If the orders are printed, reset the picklist.
• Edit the company in the sales order header and line item records and modify to match the new IFT customer record.
• Set the ship to company to the correct value based on the Shipto records for the new IFT Company and the location that the order is being shipped to. Enter the correct ship to id into the sales order header. Note: You may also use the order entry program to set the ship to address once you have modified the customer in the order header and lines.
• Identify the open IFT purchase orders on the system
• Use the offline editor for file 100 to modify the vendor name on the purchase order header to the new IFT vendor record and update the account number in file 100 to –COVELOC. You may also update the ship to address to match the ship to used for the warehouse the goods will be received in, and load the Shipto id field in the record.
• Use the offline editor for file 101 to modify the vendor name on the purchase order line items to the new IFT vendor record and update the account number in file 101 to –COVELOC.
• Identify the open IFT Pending records on the system. IFT pending records will have a type of I.
• If any Pending records are open when you update to revision 278C, you should modify the name in the Pending records to match the new IFT Vendor and Customer records.
• Load “TRANSFER” into the subtype field of the IFT Pending records. You may do this with the generic field loader, by selecting on Pending doc type of I and by only loading records that have a blank value in the subtype field.