Cove.css Ecommv classes:

The following css classes are commonly used in Ecommv. They are used in 240 records which are created by the program if they do not already exits.

Example of how Cove css classes are used during report output in RepOrders.wo to create F240 records.


Procedure Create_Default_PageTop

      Send Preload_Textdata_Buffer "WBO" "REPORDRP" "PAGETOP"

        Writeln '<table border="1" width="99%"> '

        Writeln '<tr>'

        Writeln   '<tlc colspan="99" ><h3>{Sales Order History}</h3></td>'

        Writeln '</tr>'

        Writeln '<tr>'

        Writeln   '<tlr>{Rep:}</td>'

        Writeln   '<tll>[Salesman.code]</td>'

        Writeln   '<tll colspan="2">[]</td>'

        Writeln '</tr>'

        Writeln '</table> '

        Writeln '<table border="1" width="99%"> '

        Writeln '</tr>'

        Writeln   '<tlc>{Order#}</td>'

        Writeln   '<tlc>{Date}</td>'

        Writeln   '<tlc>{Company}</td>'

        Writeln   '<tlc>{Status}</td>'

        Writeln '</tr>'

        Send CloseTextDataBuffer


Excerpt of cove.css containing Cove specific classes.

(TLL: Table label left. Bold Dk. Grey text on light grey background.)


      font-size: 80%;

      font-weight: bold;

        font-style: italic;

        text-align: left;       

      color: #334D55;

      background-color: #EAECE9;



(TLC: Table label center. Bold Dk. Grey text on light grey background.)


      font-size: 80%;

      font-weight: bold;

        font-style: italic;

        text-align: center;       

      color: #334D55;

      background-color: #EAECE9;



(TLR: Table label right. Bold Dk. Grey text on light grey background.)


      font-size: 80%;

      font-weight: bold;

        font-style: italic;

        text-align: right;       

      color: #334D55;

      background-color: #EAECE9;



(TDL: Table data left. Normal text on white background.)


      font-size: 80%;

        text-align: left;

      color: #000000;

      background-color: #FFFFFF;


(TDC: Table data centered. Normal text on white background.)


      font-size: 80%;

        text-align: center;

      color: #000000;

      background-color: #FFFFFF;



(TDR: Table data right. Normal text on white background.)


      font-size: 80%;

        text-align: right;

      color: #000000;

      background-color: #FFFFFF;


(TNL: Defined in cove.css but not used)


      font-size: 80%;

        text-align: left;

      color: #000000;

      background-color: #FFFFFF;



(TNC: Defined in cove.css but not used)


      font-size: 80%;

        text-align: center;

      color: #000000;

      background-color: #FFFFFF;


(TNR: Defined in cove.css but not used)


      font-size: 80%;

        text-align: right;

      color: #000000;

      background-color: #FFFFFF;



F240 Record Creation: