Customer Invoice Lookup

The Customer Invoice Lookup program displays all of the accounts receivable invoices that have been created for the selected customer and it allows you to access the following types of information for each invoice displayed in the program.

      Invoice Header Information:  The ShipTo Address, Shipping Method, Payment Terms, Shipping Terms, Invoice Total, Current Balance, Invoice Type, Subtype, Source.

      Invoice Line Item Details:  The Items and quantities shipped to the customer, the price and costs used for each invoice line, and any serial numbers associated with each invoice line.

      Shipping Information:  The Customer Invoice Lookup program allows you to access the Manifest Lookup program.  The Manifest Lookup allows you to view the manifest records that were created for each invoice, and to track a specific shipment.

      Payment Activity:  The Payment Activity option allows you to activate the AR Invoice Activity Lookup which displays all general ledger activity (payments, adjustments, and online posting) for the selected invoice.


Zoom - Invoice Header Detail Panel

Expand - Invoice Lines Lookup

Shipping Information

Payment Activity