Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup

The Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup is used to setup, maintain and display the manufacturer pricing records for the selected customer. 

The Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup can be accessed from the Customer Manager program using an option that is available on the More Menu.  When a valid customer is selected in the Customer Manager program and the Customer Manufacturer Pricing option is selected, the system activates the Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup and it loads the lookup with all manufacturer price records that have been set up for the selected Customer in the PRODAUTH file.

The information which is displayed for each Manufacturer Price record in the Manufacturer pricing lookup is based on a parameter file which can be customized, but it normally includes the Customer name, the Manufacturer name, the Basis or inventory price level that the price should be based on, and the factor to be applied to the basis when calculating the manufacturer price for the customer.  The Item Product Line and Groups that the price applies to are also normally displayed in the lookup.  The Product Line and Group are optional fields and may or may not be loaded in each Manufacturer pricing record.


Insert - Add New Customer Manufacturer Price

Zoom - Edit Customer Manufacturer Price