Detailed Example 4 – Price Change Only

In this example, the quantity being protected is set to 0 (indicating that you are processing a vendor price change only) and the system will not adjust the average cost of the item being processed at all.  When this option is used the system only updates the open purchase orders and the inventory and catalog next cost information for the item being processed.  This option is used to handle vendor price changes that apply only to future purchases. 

Since this type of transaction does not result in a change to the on hand quantity or the cost of the items in your inventory, the system does not write a type PP inventory transaction record.  Instead, the code creates a type PC (Vendor Price Change) to record the transaction and to support any text notes to be recorded for the change.


Vendor Name



New LC Price


Text Note


Bay Area Systems





Text to be added to comment

Foreign Currency Line


Vendor Name



FC Price


Bay Area Systems




When this type of transaction is processed, the system performs the following steps.

      The system takes the new LC Price, and it updates the Catalog Nextcost field and the Inventory Nextcost field in all inventory locations which are in the division that is being processed.  The System also writes data change history records for the changes to the Nextcost field in the Catalog and Inventory records.

      The system checks for any open local currency PO lines for the vendor and item being processed.  If it finds any open records, the system updates the PO price with the new vendor cost (new LC price which is 200 in this case) and it writes a Data Change record for the change to each PO line.

      If a foreign currency and foreign currency price has been specified in the input file, the system checks for any open purchase order lines any QVL records for the vendor and item being processed that are in the specified currency.  If found, the system updates the records with the specified foreign currency price and it writes data change records to record the modifications. This ensures that future purchase orders and purchase order receipts that are processed in that currency use the correct vendor price information.

      The system creates a type PC (Vendor Price Change record) that records the transaction in the Inventory Activity file.  This transaction also allows us to associate the text information from the input file to a record in the database.  This transaction type is written for reference only as it does not represent any change to the inventory quantities or costs in the system.