Gencode Manager

The Gencode Manager is a VDF application that can be used to maintain, edit and create gencode records.  When the Gencode Manager View is selected, the view is activated and a list of all gencode tables in the system are displayed.  The Gencode Manager View displays only the title type gencode records, so that you can find and modify existing tables in a more efficient manner than in the console mode version of the program. 

Selecting a Gencode record - When you select the Gencode Manager View, a list of the gencode title type records in your system is displayed.  You may search for a specific table by entering the desired table name (or a portion of it) and pressing the ENTER key, (this will cause the program to search for and locate the record most closely matching what you entered) or by using the FIND keys (or a combination of both).

Editing an existing Gencode title record – Once the desired title record has been selected (highlighted), you may edit the title record by pressing the ENTER, or ZOOM keys or by double clicking the record with the mouse.. At this point, the Gencode Table Control Dialog is displayed and loaded with the information from the record.  The fields displayed in the dialog can be edited within the dialog and saved by pressing the SAVE key or using the SAVE button).  The formattting rules described earlier in this document should be used when editing existing title records to make sure you do not inadverdantly change system behavior.

Editing an existing Gencode data record. - To edit an existing data type gencode record, you should first locate the appropriate table (title record) as described in the previous section.  You may then use the EXPAND key or mouse function to display the data entries for the table.  When the EXPAND key or function is used,, the Gencode Lookup view is activated and it displays the existing data records for the table.  Once the Gencode Lookup view is displayed you may search for and locate the correct data using the same navigation techniques as described above.  Once the correct data record is highlighted you may access the record using the ZOOM key or mouse function, or by double clicking with the mouse.  At this point the Gencode Detail dialog is displayed and it is loaded with the information from the exiting record.  The fields displayed in the dialog can be edited within the dialog and saved by pressing the SAVE key or using the SAVE button).

Creating a new Gencode title or data record - New tables (title records) and or codes or table entries (data records) can be created by pressing the INSERT key from the appropriate location.  Gencode title records should be inserted from the Gencode Manager View and gencode data records should be inserted from Gencode Lookup view.  When the insert key is pressed from either view, the appropriate dialog (editor program) is displayed, and you can enter the required informaton and save it using the SAVE key or button.

Note:  The indicators shown in the Visual Dataflex Gencode Table Control dialog (Require Operator Data Entry, Blanks Allowed) are used to automatically load the correct value into the code field of the gencode title records that you create using the program.  For example:  Setting the blanks allowed indicator will cause the system to move a blank value to the code field in the title record.  Setting the Require Operator entry indicator will cause the system to load “REQUIRED” into the code field of the record.  If neither indicator is set, the system will load the default value of 8 dashes into the record to indicate that standard validation is the method used for the table.


Longcode Manager