Generic Data Exporter Button

When the Generic Data Exporter Button is pressed in the Generic Utilities Menu, the system activates the Generic Data Exporter program. 

The Generic Data Exporter allows you to export or dump the records from a database file and to determine the records to be exported based on one or more selections.

The selected records are written to a trn or ascii text file which can be used to transfer the data to another system, or for other purposes.

The records which are written out to file by the Generic Data Exporter program are not removed from the file when the Generic Data Exporter runs.  The program simply creates an ascii text file with the information from the records.

The Generic Data Exporter program also allows you to select the format of the file to be created.  Options for the output format include Line (line delimiter is used between each field in each record), Tab, ( a tab delimiter is used between each field in each record), Comma (a comma delimiter is used between each field in each record), or XML format).


Generic Record Deleter Button