Imaging System Control Information

The StreamV Imaging System uses the information that has been specified in the following System Parameters in the System Parameter file (File 248).  These setting can be configured through the System Properties View or though the System Parameter Maintenance View.

F248:#IMAGE         Contains the last image number assigned by the system.

F248:SIP-PATH       Contains the path (directory name) where the system should store new image file(s) as they are captured.  This may be changed on a daily/weekly/monthly basis to keep directories from getting too big or the following parameter may be used to do so automatically.  This should be on a shared drive.

F248:SIP-SVOP       If this parameter set to  Y (YEAR), M (MONTH) , W (WEEK),  D (DAY), or U (USER) the system creates subdirectories under the above directory that are named based on the setting of the parameter.  If the directory does not exist the system will create it (the user must have rights to do so).  If these parameters are not found the system will create the document in the user’s home directory.

Y (YEAR)                 Subdirectory is named YYYY.

M (MONTH)              Subdirectory is named YYYYMM.

W (WEEK)               Subdirectory is named YYYYWWW.

D (DAY)                  Subdirectory is named YYYYMMDD.

U (USER)                 Subdirectory is named {Initials}.

For ease of system management the SIP-PATH parameter should be set to a relative drive path, for example K:COVE\IMAGES\  This will allow the top directory of the image storage area to be mapped to different media as your storage requirements change.

F248:SIP-EXTN Default file extension used for scanned documents.  The system defaults to use an extension of .tif if another value is not specified in the parameter record.

F248:SIPDRES  Default scanning resolution in DPI, default is 300

F248:SIP-IDIR        Default import directory.  This is where the “import a file” defaults too.

Programming Notes

There are three entry points to the imaging system.

1.   Multi Image List:  It works by sending the following message SEND LIST_POPUP OF IMAGESLOOKUP {Source} {Ident}. This will cause the image list to popup, filtering the records by source/ident. Then you can [scan, import, display, print] images, by activating images dialog and using its functions. For this you need to include (USE) IMGES.SL.

2.  Single Image Dialog: It has the following messages/functions available for use:

Send DisplayFile of ImagesDialog  {FileName} to display a file. This works by handing the {FileName} to the OS-Shell and then opening the viewer associated with that file extension (default setting)

Send ScanNewImage of ImagesDialog {Source} {Ident}  to scan a new image. It will ask to confirm the readiness to scan a document, and after successful scanning it will allow the user to Print/Display/Re-Scan or Save the image record.

Send ImportNewImage of ImagesDialog {Source} {Ident}  to import a new image. to be used when there is an electronic document, and we create image record for it. It works like the Scan function, except it would copy an existing e-Document and make a copy of it to the imaging location. 

3.  Silent Scan: it’s used when we need to make a short cut directly to the scanning process with minimum user interaction, by calling the following function Get Silent_Scan of ImagesLookup {Source} {Ident} {Title} TO {Integer Var}. On error the function returns 0, if the process is successful it returns 1. 


Image Source Codes