Input and verify Vendor Information. 

The IFT system uses specialized Vendor records.  These records must be set up properly before any Inter-Facility transfers may be processed.  A Vendor record should be created for each inventory location which will be shipping product to other warehouses.  The procedures to be used when creating each of these Vendor records are listed below.

1.  Select the Vendor Master program from the menu.

2.  Create one Vendor record for each inventory location which will be shipping product to other inventory locations using the IFT system.

3.  Enter the vendor name into the Company field.  The Vendor record should only be used to process IFT transactions and therefore should have a name that identifies what it is to be used for (for example, "IFT Vendor - Location ATL" or "IFT Shipments from ATL" might be used for an Atlanta warehouse location with a location code of ATL ).  This record would be used to process a transfer from the ATL inventory location to another inventory location.

4.  Enter a "T" in the PO Method field of the Vendor record.  This identifies the Vendor record as an IFT Vendor record so that P/O's placed for the vendor can be handled properly by the system.  Note:  The PO Method field is used by several different programs to identify IFT transactions and the IFT system will not perform correctly if this field is not loaded properly.

5.  Enter the Inventory Location from which goods will be shipped when a purchase order is entered for this vendor into the Code field of the Vendor record (using the above example, you would enter "ATL" into the field).  The Code field can be accessed from within the "Other Info" Panel in the Vendor Master program.  The "Other Info" Panel can be displayed by pressing the ALT + O keys or by pressing the appropriate button with the mouse.  Note:  The Code field of the vendor record is used by the IFT system to determine the sales order location to use when it creates the out-bound IFT sales order in the shipping location.  If the code is not entered correctly, the sales order will be created with an incorrect location or will not be created at all.

6.  Save the new Vendor record by pressing the SAVE key.