Install the Purchasing Programs

The following programs are required to process purchasing transactions.  These programs and the appropriate data and index files should be installed by Cove Systems personnel. The purchasing programs are listed in the same order that they should appear on the Purchasing Menu. A brief description of each of the programs is listed below for your convenience. For more information about each of the programs listed below, you should refer to the Procedures and Program Reference sections of the Purchasing System Documentation. 

Vendor Management (FV080S01) – The Vendor Management program is used along with the Vendor Master program to create and edit the vendor records used by the purchasing system.  The Vendor Management program is also used to select the vendor and to access the purchase order entry program when manually creating a new purchase order.

Purchase Order Entry (FV100S01) - The Purchase Order Entry program allows the operator to manually create Purchase orders, Requests for Quotation (RFQ), and PO Requisitions.  The purchase order entry program can also be used to modify or edit existing purchase order documents or to convert purchase order documents from one type to another.

PO Requisition Management (FV100S20) - The PO Requisition Management Program is used to display and modify purchase order requisitions.  The Requisition Management program also allows the operator to manually create new requisitions, view purchasing and sales history for a specific item and to update the vendor and price fields in each requisition.  The program is also used to convert requisitions into purchase orders.  The Requisition Management program is designed to allow multiple buyers to work independently and to optimize operator productivity.  

Delete Requisitions (FV101U01) - The Delete Requisitions program allows buyers to delete requisition lines created by the system for replenishment purchasing.  The program allows buyers to delete only the requisitions which are assigned to them.  This allows multiple buyers to be processing their own requisitions simultaneously.  The program only deletes requisition lines not associated with a sales order.  Requisitions created for vendor shipment sales order lines or special order items may not be deleted with the program.

Vendor Ship PO line Selector (FV101M05) - The Vendor Ship PO Line Selector program is called by the Invoicing program when a vendor shipment sales order line or lines are invoiced.  As the invoice is being saved, this program will display a list of the purchase orders outstanding for the sales order vendor ship line being invoiced.  At this point, the operator identifies the specific PO line that is being invoiced, and the system updates the PO line.  As each PO line is processed, the quantity received is increased by the quantity invoiced.  If appropriate, the PO line and PO header are closed.  If multiple vendor ship lines are being invoiced, the operator will be prompted to identify the individual PO line to be updated for each sales order vendor ship line.

Vendor Ship SO/PO Audit (FV061R20) - This report cross checks the purchase orders which are linked to sales orders to ensure that the quantities of the linked documents are in agreement and that no PO lines exist for deleted, cancelled or voided sales order lines.

Requisition Creation Program (FV710M25) - This program is called from the Sales Order Entry program when special order and or vendor shipment lines are processed.  The program creates PO requisition lines for the special order and vendor shipment lines from the sales order and automatically links these requisitions to the appropriate sales order lines.  The program also updates existing requisition lines or creates additional requisition lines as necessary if the sales order quantities for the special order or vendor ship lines are increased or decreased.

Purpose:  This document provides an overview of the various features and capabilities of the Stream II Purchasing System.  This document does not provide detailed information about installing, configuring or running the purchasing system.  For more information about installing the Purchasing system, please see the Purchasing Configuration Guide.  For more detail about specific purchasing procedures and programs, please see the Purchasing Procedures Guide or the Program Reference section of the Purchasing Manual.

Organization:  This document is organized into the following sections.

 Describes the basic processing flow and logic used by the purchasing system.  This section includes

Application Notes – Provides the user with more detailed information about specific features supported by the purchasing system.  This section includes such topics as

 Describes each of the programs included in the Purchasing system.  More detailed information about each program can be found in the Program Reference section of the Purchasing Manual.

Provides the user with reference information about the purchasing system.  This reference information includes the different types of PO’s which are supported by the system, the source codes that are assigned to the purchase orders and requisitions created by the system, and other reference information that is specific to

This document describes the Purchasing System, which includes the programs used for creating and editing purchase order requisitions and purchase orders.   This document also briefly describes the Inquiry programs which are available in the purchasing system, and the associated purchasing reports.  Information about other systems related to or integrated with the purchasing system can be found in the following other Stream II documentation.

Operator – Describes basic information common to all operators, including logging into the system, keyboard commands, basic program navigation.

System Administration - Covers the setup of Operator records, Payment Terms, Buyer codes and other “table driven” data used by the Purchasing System.  Also covers menu and security issues, how to set system options, how to edit the par files used by browse programs, etc.

Inventory – Covers the setup and maintenance of inventory items, inventory default information and inventory normalization, processing inventory adjustments and transfers and related information.

IFT – Covers the Inter-Facility Transfer System.  This system is briefly discussed in the purchasing documentation and is documented completely in the IFT Manual.  The IFT system makes use of several different applications such as Sales Order Entry, Purchasing, and Receiving and is therefore documented individually.

Receiving – Covers the processing of PO and non-PO related inventory receipts, serial number capture at receiving, and related topics.

Return to Vendor – Describes the system used to return merchandise to vendors.

QVL – Documents the Qualified Vendor List and related programs.  The QVL file and related programs can be utilized by the Purchasing system when creating PO’s and or PO Requisitions.  A typical use for the QVL file is to store records for the items that are purchased in currencies other than house currency.  Records are created for the items that are purchased in foreign currency and these records store the vendor name for the items, and pricing and costing information in the currency used for the item.  The QVL records are then used to default the price on a purchase order when that vendor and item and currency are used during PO Entry.


IFT Installation and Configuration Procedures