Invoice Line Detail Panel

The Invoice Line Detail Panel displays comprehensive information about the selected invoice line item. 

Invoice Line Item records store the specific items and quantities that were shipped out on an invoice.  Each invoice line stores the item that was billed to the customer, the quantity that was shipped to the customer and the price and cost of the item.  Each Invoice Line Item also stores information used for sales tax reporting, sales posting, and for other purposes.

The Invoice Line Detail Panel allows you to

      View the detailed information that is stored by the system in each invoice line item record.

      View or edit the Images associated with the selected invoice line item.

      View or edit the Comment records associated with the selected invoice line item or the associated invoice header.

      Create a new comment for the selected invoice line or the associated invoice header.

      Associate a new image record with the selected invoice line item.

      Access the File and Field help information that is stored in the Data Dictionary file.  The Invoice Line Detail Panel program allows you to access the Cove Standard Toolbar.  The Standard Toolbar contains a help button that can be used to access the Cove Field Help Information System.  The Cove Field Help System can be used to access the database definitions for each of the fields that are displayed in the panel.

The Invoice Line Detail Panel is divided into a main section and several Tab Pages.  The panel and the tab pages are used to organize related fields and they are briefly described in the following sections.


Main Section

Prices/Costs Tab Page

Order Info Tab Page

Other Tab Page