Item Number Change Submission

The Item Number Change Submission program is used to submit requests for Item Number changes.  The Item Number Change Submission and the Item Number Change Processor programs are used together in order to change an existing item number to a new item number that has not already been used in your system. 

The Item Number Change process updates the Catalog, Inventory and related history (invoice lines, inventory transactions, order lines, PO lines, etc) for the old or existing item number to the new item number. 

The Item Change Process does not allow you to consolidate or combine item numbers due to the fact that the inventory transaction history for the two items cannot be merged (the inventory transaction history for two separate items will not make sense if it is combined together).

The Item Number Change Submission program  allows you to select the Inventory Item Number to be changed and the new item number to be used for the item.  The program then writes a record into the NEWITEM file which stores the old item number to be processed and the new item number to be used for the item.

The records created by the Item Number Change Submission program are processed by a separate Item Number Change Processor.  The Item Number Change processor actually updates the transaction and other information for the old item – updating the appropriate records with the new item number.  The Item Number Change processor is normally run after hours as part of the night time process.  This is due to the fact that the program may need to update a large amount of information, and due to the fact that the processor should be run when transactions are not being processed for the item number being updated.


Item No/ManuItem#/Description Windows

New Number Window

Submit Button