Keyboard Commands

Close/Cancel  - The Close command normally closes the program or view that is currently being displayed and it returns you to the program from which the displayed program was executed.  The close command is executed with the keyboard by pressing the ESCAPE key.

Expand – The Expand command is used to display information that is related to or associated with the data that is selected when the key is pressed.  The Expand key can be used for different functions but it is  commonly used in lookup programs to display the line item detail associated with a sales order, invoice or purchase order.  The Expand command can be executed by pressing the F3 key.

Help – The F1 key is used to display the on-line help documentation that is supplied with the system.

Field Level Help – The Alt+F1 key combination is used to display the field level database help that is built into the database.  This database help contains the field name, field description and type and other relevant information about the data field that is selected when the Alt and F1 keys are pressed.

Select – The select command is used to select a record from a list and to return it to the program from which the selection list was called. The Enter key or the Select Button is used to select a record.

Tag – Tagging is a method of selecting multiple records for processing.  Tagging is normally supported in list based programs like Lookups and in some Management Programs, like the AP Paydate Management Program.  When a program supports tagging, a checkbox will be displayed to the left of any records displayed in the Lookup or Management program.  The tag key is used to “tag” or identify multiple records for processing. Records can be tagged using the keyboard by pressing the + key on the numeric keypad.  In the older character programs, the space bar is used to tag and untag records.  As a record is tagged, a check mark is displayed by the system in the checkbox to the left of the tagged record.  If you see an X in the tag checkbox next to a record, this indicates that the record has already been selected for processing in another session (by another operator or yourself in another session of the application) and you will not be able to select the record.

If a program supports both single and multiple record selection, any tagged records are processed before the highlighted record according to the following rules.

•      If one or more items are tagged and an action is invoked the tagged lines will be processed.

•      If nothing is tagged the action will use the current (highlighted line)

•      If the action does not support multiple tagged items and multiple items are tagged,  an error message will display to indicate that only a single item must be selected. 

•      For clarity the system also provides hints on whether an operation supports single or multiple selections.  These hints are in the labels for the buttons supported by each program.   For example, the AP Check Lookup by Account program contains buttons for “Void a Check” -  which is a single operation, and “Clear Check(s)” – which can be used to update multiple records.

Note:  Your ability to tag an item can be restricted based on the status or type of the record (some operations can only be performed if the record is open and of the proper type) , by your operator security settings (you may not have rights to perform certain tasks), or based on the operation being performed (some operations such as voiding a check may require only a single record to be selected).  An error message is normally displayed if you attempt to select an invalid record, or if you attempt to select multiple records for an operation that requires only a single record to be selected.

Untagging a blocked record

In some cases, a record may be left in a tagged state by a session that was terminated or that encountered an error.  The Ctrl and + keys can be used to clear the tag field in these situations.  When the record is selected and the Ctrl + keys are pressed, the system clears the tag field in the record so that it can be selected.  Warning:  Untagging records in this fashion can cause processing errors as the record may actually be selected for use by another operator.

Zoom The Zoom command is normally used to display more detail about the selected record or to load the selected record into an editing program.  The Zoom command can be executed by pressing the CTRL + F3  keys at the same time.

Prompt  - The Prompt key is used to display the list of records that can be selected from in programs (normally views) during data entry and transaction processing.  The Prompt command is normally executed using the F3 key.

Insert – The Insert key is used to insert new records from list based programs that allow this operation.  Your ability to insert, delete and edit records can also restricted based on System Security settings.

Delete – In general the system does not support the delete function using the keyboard.  A delete button is normally used.  In programs that support the key, it is normally mapped to the Shift + F2 key.

Save – The Save key is normally mapped to the F2 key.  A message will usually indicate that the save request has been received and the record is being updated.

Shortcut Keys In some cases. special keys are used in specific programs in order to allow the operator to skip a range of fields or move from one panel to another.  A good example of this feature is the down arrow key which can be used in the order entry line item panel to move quickly from the item or description to the quantity field (skipping several other fields).  These are noted as appropriate in the documentation for the program where they are actually used. 


Mouse Commands