Main Section

The Main section of the Returns Entry and Edit program displays some basic information about the RA being created or edited.  This information includes the following items.

RA No:  The Return Authorization Number that has been assigned to the current RA.  This number will be a temporary number (above 90000000) for a new RA that has not been saved, and it will be a permanent number if you are editing an existing RA.

Status:  The status of the selected RA.  Valid status codes include O (open – used for a new RA or an RA that has been entered but not received against), I (In House – at least one of the items on the RA has been received), and C (closed  - RA has been fully disposed of or cancelled (deleted).

Ref No:  The Reference number that is associated with the RA.  The Reference Number field is optional but can be used to tie the RA to a number that is meaningful for the customer that you are processing the RA for (this might be a blanket po number, a customer generated number for the return request, or some other information).

Inv:  The invoice number associated with the RA if applicable.

Type:  The RA Type.

Account:  The customer account number of the Company that is associated with the current RA.  The Account number field must be loaded with a valid customer account number that exists in the Customer Master file.  The Account field is automatically loaded when you select a valid customer or invoice during RA Entry.

Subtype:  The RA Subtype.  The valid subtypes in the system are defined in the RASUBTYP Gencode table.

Company:  The customer name associated with the current RA.  The Company field must be loaded with a valid customer that exists in the Customer Master file.

Cust Ref No:


Po No:


RA Lines Tab Page