The Main section of the Returns Entry and Edit program displays some basic information about the RA being created or edited. This information includes the following items.
RA No: The Return Authorization Number that has been assigned to the current RA. This number will be a temporary number (above 90000000) for a new RA that has not been saved, and it will be a permanent number if you are editing an existing RA.
Status: The status of the selected RA. Valid status codes include O (open – used for a new RA or an RA that has been entered but not received against), I (In House – at least one of the items on the RA has been received), and C (closed - RA has been fully disposed of or cancelled (deleted).
Ref No: The Reference number that is associated with the RA. The Reference Number field is optional but can be used to tie the RA to a number that is meaningful for the customer that you are processing the RA for (this might be a blanket po number, a customer generated number for the return request, or some other information).
Inv: The invoice number associated with the RA if applicable.
Type: The RA Type.
Account: The customer account number of the Company that is associated with the current RA. The Account number field must be loaded with a valid customer account number that exists in the Customer Master file. The Account field is automatically loaded when you select a valid customer or invoice during RA Entry.
Subtype: The RA Subtype. The valid subtypes in the system are defined in the RASUBTYP Gencode table.
Company: The customer name associated with the current RA. The Company field must be loaded with a valid customer that exists in the Customer Master file.
Cust Ref No:
Po No: