Opportunities List

When a valid contact record is selected and the Opportunities button is pressed, the System displays the Opportunities Lookup.  This lookup displays the Opportunity records for the selected contact.  Opportunity records are used to track potential business, and they are discussed in detail in the Overview section of this document.

The Opportunity Lookup program allows you to view or edit existing opportunity records and to create new opportunity records.  You may view and or edit an opportunity by highlighting the record and using the ZOOM option.   You may create a new opportunity for the selected customer using the INSERT option.

The Opportunities List displays the open Opportunity records for the selected contact.  Opportunity records are used to track potential business, and they are discussed in detail in the Overview section of this document.

The Opportunity List in the Contact Manager program allows you to view or edit existing open opportunity records and to create new opportunity records.  You may view and or edit an opportunity by highlighting the record and using the ZOOM option.  You may create a new opportunity for the selected contact using the INSERT option.

Note:  The Opportunities List is used to display only open opportunity records.  If you wish to access both open and closed opportunity records, you may do this using the Opportunity Button that is located in the Contact Manager program.


New Order Button