The StreamV Order Processing system supports three different types of order documents. All of these order document types can be created and edited in the Sales Order Entry program (depending on your security restrictions). The document type being used in Order Entry can be selected automatically based on the default order type for the customer being processed (if one is set in the customer record), or it can be set manually by the operator.
Quote (Q): A Quote is used to provide a quotation or an estimate to a customer. Quotes do not reserve inventory and they are never processed for shipment or invoiced to the customer. Quotes can be created and sent to a customer. If the customer decides to order the items, the quote can be converted to a sales order (and modified if required). The quote can also be deleted. Once a quote has been converted to a sales order, the order type is changed and the order is processed as a sales order. Sales orders may also be converted to quotes (this is restricted based on the order type, processing method and status of each order). Quotes are assigned an Order type of Q
Sales Order (S): Sales Orders are used to process sales of merchandise to customers. When a sales order is saved the system reserves and allocates inventory to the order based on the items and quantities being ordered, the dates on the order, and the processing method being used to provide the goods. Sales orders can be placed on hold automatically by the system as they are entered and when they are edited. Orders that are allocated to, that are not on hold, and that are scheduled for shipment are normally invoiced to the customer. As a Sales Order is completed, the system creates an invoice to bill the customer for the items shipped. Sales Orders are assigned an Order type of S
Loaner (L): A Loaner (also called a shipper ) is used to ship merchandise to a customer or another entity (trade show, rep, vendor) at no charge. When a loaner order is entered, the system reserves and allocates inventory and it adds any required holds to the order. When a loaner order is allocated to, not on hold, and scheduled for shipment, the order is processed (the goods are picked and shipped to the customer). When a loaner order is completed, the system creates a special type of invoice document but it does not record a sale. The customer is not charged for the items. Instead, the goods sent to the customer are treated as on loan and records are created in the Pending file. The Pending items represent the inventory items that are still owned by your company but that have been shipped to the customer. The Loaner Management and other programs in StreamV allow you to track your open loaner shipments, and to close them out (by invoicing the customer, writing the items off, or by returning the items to stock) when appropriate.
Common Characteristics. The following characteristics apply to all three order document types.
All order document types are created for and tied to a customer record. You may not enter an order for a customer unless the customer record is present in the system. You may create shipto records on the fly during order entry, but you may not create a customer record in the order entry program.
All orders are stored by the system in the Sales Order Header and Sales Order Line Item files. The different order types use the same order number sequence, but they are assigned a different document type in the data files.
All three order types can be created and edited in the Sales Order Entry program (some programs in the system also create sales or loaner orders automatically, an example would the Return Authorization system).
The system uses the same pricing logic regardless of the order type being processed. The system will try to automatically find the lowest or best price available for the current item and customer during order entry. This is true whether the order being entered is a quote, a loaner, or a sales order. The price in the order is not charged to the customer when a loaner or a quote is being processed, but it is recorded and stored for possible later use.
Important Notes about Order Document Types
Some order document types may not be displayed in some programs. The Sales Order Management program displays all orders in the system regardless of type, but other programs, such as the Customer Order Lookup, Customer Quote Lookup, and Customer Loaner Lookup, may display only 1 type of order.
The reserved, total reserved and allocated quantities in each item are composed of the open type S (sales order) and L (loaner) order lines for the item plus the open shop order lines for the item. Quote or type Q order lines are not included in any inventory quantities.
Sales Orders and Loaners are both completed using the Picklist Management and the Order Invoicing program. The default order type displayed in Picklist Management is type S (sales order). The Warehouse operator must select the loaner order type in the program to see any Loaners that may be waiting for shipment and to print the Picklist for the Loaner.
The following sections provide a brief overview of how each document type is processed by the Order Processing System.