POS - Cash Sale Customer

A generic Cash Sale customer is used as the default customer by the POS program.  The Cash Sale Customer record is typically used to process transactions for one-time, walk in, or infrequent customers that are paying for the goods at the time of the sale. 

When the Cash Sales customer is used in the POS program.

      The Sale or Return must be processed using the payment terms (normally COD Cash) that have been assigned to the Cash Sale customer in the Customer Master file.  The actual payment methods that can be used include Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Apply Store Credit (a combination of payments can also be used for each invoice being processed).  If you need to process a POS sale for Net terms, you must select a specific customer record (or have someone set up a specific customer record) for the customer the transaction is being processed for.

      The sales or returns being processed are processed as taxable or RETAIL transactions, based on the tax information that is specified for each POS location.  Sales Tax Certificate information is stored in the system and it can be associated with customer and ship to information.  Since each Sales Tax Certificate is issued to a specific customer, sales tax certificates not supported for the Cash Sale customer.  If you need to process a RESALE or non-tazable sale for a customer, you should set up (or have someone set up) the customer in the Customer Master file.