Prices Manager

The Prices Manager is used to create and to maintain the optional foreign currency price level information that can be defined for each inventory item in the system.  StreamV allows you to specify price level information for each of the items you sell in each of the currencies that you use for order processing.  This foreign currency price level information is stored in the PRICES File (File 107).

Each Record in the Prices file contains the warehouse location and the item number associated with the record, the price level itself (the Prices file supports the same price levels that are supported for each catalog and inventory item), the currency that the price applies to. 

If records are created in the Prices file for a specific

Loc Window:  The Loc Window is used to define the warehouse location for a new Prices Record when you are entering a new record into the system.  The prompt that is located to the right of the location window can be used to activate the Location Table, which can be used to list and select from the valid inventory locations that have been defined on your system.

Prices Prompt Button:  The Button that is located to the right of the Loc prompt button is used to display and select from the existing Prices records that have been created on your system.  When you press the Prices Prompt Button, the system activates the Prices Selection List.  The Prices Selection List displays the Prices records that have been created on your system and it allows you to select and load an existing Prices record into the Prices Manager for viewing or editing.

Status Window:  The Status of the selected Prices record.  The Status field in the Prices file is not currently in use.

ItemNo Window:  The Item No window is used to select the item number for a new prices record when you are entering a new prices record into the system.  The prompt that is located to the right of the ItemNo window can be used to activate the Catalog Table, which can be used to list and select from the valid Catalog items that have been created on your system.

Level:  The Price Level the Prices record is associated with.  The Prompt Button that is located to the right of the Level window can be used to display a list of the valid price levels supported by the system.

Currency Window:  The Currency window is used to define the currency for the prices record.  The Prompt button that is located to the right of the Currency window can be used to display the Currency Codes list which allows you to view and select from the valid currency codes that have been defined on your system.

Price:  The Price to be used for the specified Location, Item Number, Price Level, and Currency.  The Price entered should be the price to be charged for the price level and currency combination – in the currency being used.

Effective Date:  The Date on which the Prices record should be effective.  When a foreign currency sales order is entered for an item and the system checks the Prices file, it searches backwards thru the prices records for the item and it finds the record with the effective date closest to the current date.  This behavior allows you to enter Prices records into the system prior to the effective date, since the system will not start using them until the current date is equal to or greater than the current date.

Last Used:  The date on which the selected Prices record was last used by the system.  The Last Used date is not currently updated by the system and the field has been reserved for future use.


Quantity Adjustment Manager