The Print Button in the Purchase Order Lookup program allows you to Print a copy of the selected Purchase Order. When the Print Button is pressed, the system displays the Print Options program. The Print Options program allows you to select the output destination and output method for the Purchase Order being printed. Print options include Printer. Preview, and various file formats. Each of these options are briefly described below.
Printer: Prints a copy of the Purchase Order to the selected printer. You may select from your available windows printers using the Change button in the Print Optons program.
Preview: The preview option causes the system to display the purchase order on your screen in the same format that it will be printed. When the Preview option is selected, the selected purchase order is displayed in the List and Label Viewer program. Once the purchase order is displayed in the viewer program, you may print the PO from inside the viewer program or use the Close button (in the top right corner of the Viewer program) to exit and return to the Purchase Order Lookup program.
File: Creates a file copy of the selected purchase order using the selected file format. File formats available include File (which creates a prn file), text (which creates a txt file). and other formats. Once a file format is selected, the system prompts for the file name and location to be used for the file.