This procedure is used to create a purchase order to a vendor for one or more items. This method is more labor intensive than using the normaly warehouse replenishment programs such as the PO recommedations It is normally used for Warehouse replenishment, since other purchasing methods require automatic lines between purchasing and sales order documents.
• Select the PO Entry program from the Purchasing Operations Menu or another menu (Mycove, MyGroup, etc).
• Select the Vendor. The prompt button next to the Vendor Account and Name fields activate the Vendor Lookup which allows you to search for and select a vendor.. Once you have selected a Vendor, the program will load the purchasing contact for the vendor (if one has been defined into the Placed With field PO. You may also select or create a contact for the purchase order using the prompt button located next to the Placed With field.
• Verify the Warehouse Location and Buyer being used for the PO. The Location the PO is being placed for (and will be received into), and the Buyer placing the PO can be modified if required using the buttons next to the Loc and Buyer fields. The Buyer is normally listed as the contact on the Purchase Order document when it is printed or sent electronically. The Location field can be specified using the Loc prompt and it can also be loaded automatically when you select a shipto address for the PO.
• Verify or change the Shipto Location to be used for the PO. The default shipto location for the PO is displayed in the Shipping Tab Page of the Po Entry program. You may select a different shipto using the Warehouse Address Button (which displays your warehouse locations), or the All Shipto Address button – which displays all shipto addresses in the system. Purchase Orders for Warehouse replenishment are usually received into a warehouse location. Selecting a Warehouse Address will also normally cause the Location field for the PO to change to match the specifed warehouse address. You can set your default shipto address to the current address using the Set as Default Shipto Button
• Enter the Items and quantities being order from the vendor. The Add Line Button or the Insert options allow you to create another line for the current PO. These options activate the PO Line Edit Panel which allows you to specify the item numer, quantity and price of each item being purchased from the vendor.
• Enter any required purchase order header or line item comments, and veirfy or change any other information for the Purchase Order.
• Save the PO. As the PO is saved a permanent PO number is assigned and the On Order amounts for the items are updated.
Purchasing - Creating PO Requisitions
for Warehouse Replenishment