Results Section

The Middle portion of the Keyword Results Detail Program displays the Catalog records that meet the Keyword Search Information that you specified (this keyword search information is also displayed in the header of the program next to the program title).  This section of the Keyword Results program is also used to select a Catalog record when more than one Catalog record is displayed by the program.

The information that is displayed for each Catalog record in the Results section of the program includes the item number, the item description, the total quantity of the item that is available (based on the on hand, reserved and allocated quantities for the item in all inventory locations in which it exists), and the list price for the item.

The Results section of the Keyword Results Detail program is a grid based object, and it does not support the Context or Right Mouse Menu options.

If you need to select a Catalog record in the Results section of the Keyword Results Detail Program, you may do so by clicking the appropriate record with the left mouse button.  This action will select the record and cause the system to display an outline around the field that you select (to indicate the record to be processed).


Hits Window