RTV Customer
The StreamV Return To Vendor system makes use of the standard Order Entry, Picking and Invoicing programs. These programs require that a customer record exist for the orders being processed. For this reason, a special purpose RTV Customer record is used to process Return to Vendor Transactions. The Return to Vendor Customer record is created with an account number of COVE-RTV and a distinctive name, like “RETURN TO VENDOR”. The customer is also set up so that orders for the customer are automatically entered as RTV orders, and so that orders for the customer can be entered without going on hold (for price, credit, etc).
RTV ShipTo Records
ShipTo records are also created for the COVE-RTV customer record.
The RTV ShipTo records are used to point to or identify the vendor to which each shipment is being sent. The ShipTo Records for the COVE-RTV customer must have the vendor name entered into the record exactly the same as the vendor is entered into the Vendor Master file. The Vendor name in the ShipTo record is compared to the Vendor in the Vendor master file when you try to create an AP credit memo for returned items. You may not create an AP invoice from an open vendor return unless a valid vendor exists for the ShipTo used for the return.
RTV Customer Setup Guidelines
• The Customer Account Number must be set to COVE-RTV. The customer name should be set to something obvious such as RETURN TO VENDOR, and the address fields can be used that customer is a special purpose record used to process customer returns.
• The Default Order Type for the customer should be set to L (“Loaner”). This order type and the COVE-RTV account number for the customer are used by the system to set the record type of the Pending records that are created when the shipment is completed. The Pending records are used to track and close out the returned items.
• The Skip holds field in the customer record can be used to prevent the system from placing specific order holds on the vendor return orders. Examples of holds you may wish to skip are price, margin, credit. loaner order hold, etc.
• The sales tax information for the RTV customer can be set to RESALE or it can be left as RETAIL. The shipments being sent out by the RTV system are not recorded as sales and they are not included in sales tax reports. The items sent back to vendors using the RTV System remain the property of your company until the vendor credits you or sends you replacement merchandise, or until you write off the pending returns.
RTV ShipTo Setup Guidelines
• An RTV ShipTo Address record should be created for each vendor that you will be returning merchandise to. The ShipTo records can be created in advance, or they can be created on the fly as required, when you are processing an RTV order.
• The RTV ShipTo record should be added to the COVE-RTV customer record, and the name entered into the Company field of the ShipTo record should exactly match the name of the Vendor in the Vendor Master file. You may wish to cut and past the vendor name from the vendor record into the ShipTo record as you are creating it.
• The sales tax information for the RTV ShipTo can be set to RESALE or it can be left as RETAIL. The shipments being sent out by the RTV system are not recorded as sales and they are not included in sales tax reports. The items sent back to vendors using the RTV System remain the property of your company until the vendor credits you or sends you replacement merchandise, or until you write off the pending returns.