RTV Order Entry

A Return to Vendor order is initiated by entering a Type"L" or Loaner order for the COVE-RTV customer.  The Order type for the RTV order should default to L based on the default order type entered in the RTV customer record.  Loaner orders are processed just like normal sales orders until they are invoiced. This allows inventory to be allocated from the appropriate warehouse, the product to be picked, and shipping documentation to automatically be prepared. 

The RTV Order can be entered using an operating or main warehouse location, or it can be entered for a returns processing or quarantine location.  The default location for the order can be set using the Loc window that is located in the top section of the order entry program.

Once the operator has selected the COVE-RTV customer, and has selected the appropriate vendor (ShipTo), and warehouse location for the vendor return, they should enter the RA (return authorization) number issued by the vendor into the PO number field of the sales order.  This P.O. number is printed on the documents for the shipment, and it is carried by the system into the Pending records that are used to track the open vendor return.

The operator then enters a line item for each item being returned to the vendor.  The quantity in each line can be one or more than one.  Both serialized and non-serialized items are supported by the system.  The price entered for each line can be set to the amount expected to be received from the vendor, but this amount can also be changed when the vendor return is later closed out.

Once the items to be returned have been entered on the order, the order is saved. As the order is created and saved, the system performs the following updates to the database.

      A Sales Order Header record is created.using the next available sales order number.  The record has a type of "L".  The RETURN TO VENDOR customer is stored in the Company field.  The Ship_Company field is filled in with the company from the ShipTo address used on the order which is also the vendor to which the merchandise is being returned to.

      Sales Order Lines are created .  The line items are identified with a Type of "L".  The vendor name or RETURN TO VENDOR is stored in the Company field, and the price entered by the operator is stored in the Price field.  The price entered into this field should be the amount that the vendor will be crediting for the item when it is returned, if this is known when the item is entered on the order.  This price can later be adjusted if necessary, when the return is received by the vendor and the actual amount of the credit being received from the vendor is known.

      Inventory reserved and allocated quantities are updated.  The RTV System Makes use of the same inventory reservation and allocation logic that is used by the rest of the system.  The System automatically allocates any available inventory to the order and it updates the reserved and allocated quantities for each item.

      Sales Order Hold records are created as required.  If the RTV Order is subject to an order hold such as Price, Margin, Terms, or a Loaner Hold, the system will automatically place the appropriate holds on the order.  The system creates hold records in the Sales Order Hold file and it also updates the Hold String in the Order Header.


RTV Order Processing