The Sales Order Hold Management program allows you to locate sales orders which have been placed on hold and to access detailed information about each order and the customer who placed it. The program also allows you to release orders for shipment when the reason for the hold has been determined and resolved.
The Sales Order Hold Management program allows you to locate sales orders which have been placed on hold and to access detailed information about each order and the customer who placed it. The program also allows you to release orders for shipment when the reason for the hold has been determined and resolved.
When you select this program from the menu, the Sales Order Hold Management Screen will be displayed and the middle portion of the screen will be filled with a list of the sales orders which have been placed on hold by the system. The light bar will be positioned on the first sales order listed on the screen.
The Sales Order Hold Management Screen is used to locate and view individual sales orders and to release the holds which have been placed on them. To use the program, you first select the display sequence that will be used to locate the order you wish to view or release. The display sequence that you use will depend on the information that you have available when you are making your search and the sequence that you choose will determine the way in which you may locate sales order records. The default display sequence for the Sales Order Hold Management Screen may be set on a global or user by user basis by the system administrator. You may change this default display sequence at any time by using the ALT keys.
The display sequence to be used in each situation depends on the information you have at your disposal when you are making your search. For example, if you know the name of the customer whose order you wish to locate, it makes sense to search for the order using the Customer display sequence. If you know only the customer purchase order number (or if that is the information the customer is giving you) it makes sense to display the records in customer purchase order number order. The display sequence being used by the program is listed at the top of the screen next to "Sequence". This display sequence may be changed by the operator by pressing the ALT key and the capitalized letter of the desired display option which appears to the right of ALT + on the bottom of the screen.
Once you accept or change the display sequence to be used to search for the desired record, you can search for the record by keying in the appropriate information or by using the CURSOR (ARROW) keys and or the PREVIOUS and NEXT keys to scroll through the records displayed on the screen. If you decide to key in the information, the light bar will move to the bottom of the screen and the information you key in will appear inside the light bar. Once you input the search information (based on the display sequence) you press the ENTER key. At this point, the system moves the light bar to the record that most closely matches the information you input.
For example, if the records are being displayed in Customer order and you key in the customer name and press the ENTER key, the system will position the light bar on the sales order record which has a customer which most closely matches the information you entered. At this point, you may use the PREVIOUS and NEXT keys and or the CURSOR keys to position the light bar over the specific record you wish to select.
Once you have located the desired sales order and have positioned the light bar over it, you have a choice of options. These options are chosen by pressing the appropriate Special Function Accelerator Key combination. Each of these options is discussed in the following sections.
Display Sequence Accelerator Keys
Order Displays
the sales orders in sales order number order.
ALT + C Customer Displays the sales orders in customer name order.
ALT + P Purchase Order Displays the sales orders in customer purchase order number order.
ALT + F Ref No Displays the sales orders in sales order reference number order.
ALT + R Rep Displays the sales orders in sales rep code order.
ALT + E Order Taker Displays the sales orders in order taker order.
ALT + S Status Displays the sales orders
Note: The data fields which are displayed by the Sales Order Hold Management Screen change depending on the display sequence being used.
Edit Order
Starts the order entry program and loads the selected order so that you may edit
CTRL + R Release Order Displays the Sales Order Release Panel which allows you to view and or release the holds which have been placed on the selected order. The Sales Order Release Panel also allows you to view the customer information and the accounts receivable information for the customer which placed the order.
EXPAND Header Info Displays the Sales Order Header Information window which displays detailed information about the order including the address the order was shipped to, the payment terms and the shipping method for the order and the customer purchase order.
PRINT Print Confirmation Prints a confirmation for the selected order. The confirmation may be sent to the customer to confirm the items and quantities ordered and the prices to be charged.
ENTER Line Item Info Displays the Sales Order Line Item Information window which displays the line items which were entered on the order, the schedule date of each line item, the quantity ordered and shipped for each item and the date on which the line item was invoiced to the customer (if applicable).
USER 2 Holds Only User Interface: The Orders on Hold Lookup Screen will use a list display format (a multi index browse) which will display a screen full of order header records at a time. The program will allow the operator to search for orders in several ways. The default search sequence to be used to display orders on hold will be parameter driven and may be controlled on a user by user basis using records in file 248.
Zoom - Sales Order Hold Detail Panel