Sales Tax Lookup Programs

This section describes the Lookup programs that are used to view Sales Tax Information in the StreamV System.  These programs are used for viewing tax information and for various other purposes.

A brief description of each program is presented below.  Please see the documentation for the systems that the programs are part of for more information about each of these programs.

Sales Order Management (CRM)

The Sales Order Management program can be used to view the Taxtype, Taxcode and the other sales tax information that is stored in each sales order header and line item in the system.

The Sales Order Management program is part of the CRM System and it is described in the documentation for that system.

AR Invoice Lookup (AR)

The AR Invoice Lookup program can be used to view the Taxtype, Taxcode and the other sales tax information that is stored in each accounts receivable header and line item in the system.

The AR Invoice Lookup program is part of the AR System and it is described in the documentation for that system.


Sales Tax Report Programs