Sales Tax off: _____ | _____: 

This error indicates that the sales tax amount stored in the invoice header does not agree with the total sales tax amount calculated for all line items on the invoice.  The first amount displayed is the header sales tax total and the second amount displayed is the total sales tax calculated for all line items.  This error can manifest itself in a couple of ways.

      An amount in the second section with no amount in the first section usually indicates that the customer or sales order tax type caused the system to charge sales tax on one or more invoice line items and that the operator overrode the amount calculated by the Invoicing/Order completion program as the invoice was being completed (line items show taxable situation but sales tax amount in invoice header was zeroed out).  To fix this situation, the operator should do the following.

1.  Determine whether or not the customer should have been charged sales tax for this particular invoice.

2.  Examine the line items for the invoice and note the taxtype, taxcode and rate stored in each line item.

3.  If tax should not have been charged on the invoice, edit the line item taxtype so that it shows the correct information for the sale (if line item Tax Type = Retail (taxable sale) and sale should have been processed as a Resale (nontaxable sale), the line item Tax Type should be changed to Resale).

4.  If tax should have been charged on the sale and the Invoice header amount was zeroed out or edited incorrectly, the operator should calculate the total sales tax for the invoice based on the line item information (price*qty shipped*tax rate) for all lines and enter this total tax amount into the invoice header record for the invoice.

      An amount in the first section with no amount in the second section usually indicates that the customer, sales order, or invoice tax type caused the system to not charge sales tax on one or more invoice line items and that the operator overrode the amount calculated by the Invoicing/Order completion program as the invoice was being completed (line items show non-taxable situation but invoice header shows sales tax amount).  To fix this situation, the operator should do the following.

1.  Determine whether or not the customer should have been charged sales tax for this particular invoice.

2.  Examine the line items for the invoice and note the taxtype, taxcode and rate stored in each line item.

3.  Make sure the line item taxtype(s) show the correct information for the sale ( if the sale is non-taxable, line item Tax Type should be a non-taxable type such as resale, government, export, if the sale is taxable, the Tax Type should be Retail for all items on the invoice). If any line items show the incorrect Tax Type they should be edited as required using the Invoice Line Item Editor.

4.  If tax should have been charged on the sale and the Invoice header amount was zeroed out or edited incorrectly, the operator should calculate the total sales tax for the invoice based on the line item information (price*qty shipped*tax rate) for all lines and enter the total tax amount into the Invoice Header Sales Tax field.  You may also need to adjust the Charges and Cbal field of the invoice to reflect the editing that you have done.  If the sale is a nontaxable sale, the Sales Tax field in the invoice header field should be zeroed out and the header Charges and Cbal fields should be edited as required to reflect the changes you have made.