Serial History Transaction Types

The following table lists the transaction type codes (document types), that are assigned to serial history records.  Serial History records are used to record the transaction history for a specific serial number and they are automatically created by programs that update serial master records.

Note:  Some of the transaction types listed below have been reserved for future use and are not yet implemented.





ASN Create.  This serial history transaction is written when a serial record is created from advanced shipment notification information supplied by your vendors. 


By Product.  This Serial History Transaction is written when the Serial Number for a By Product Item is created in the Shop Floor Management Program. 


By Product Cancel.  This Serial History Transaction type is not implemented and is reserved for future use.  A BX Serial History record is used to record the cancellation or voiding of a serialized by product item in the Shop Floor Management program.  This record is written when the serial master record for the by product is deleted manually in the Shop Floor program or when the shop order itself is deleted voided, or cancelled prior to completion and the by product serial number or numbers have already been associated with the shop order.  Note:  The current shop order system will delete the By product serial number and the associated history records for it if the serial number is removed from the shop order or the shop order is voided, deleted or cancelled prior to completion.


Component Consumption.  This Serial History record is created when a serialized component item is consumed by the Shop Floor Completion program and the status of the Serial Master record for the component is changed from W (in work in process) to C (consumed).


Changed Item Number.  Serial History record was created when the inventory item number of the serialized inventory item was changed manually by the operator from within the Serial Master Screen or automatically by the Return Authorizatoin System.  The RA System will automatically change the item number for a serialized inventory record when it is returned as depreciated stock.  In this case, a record is written to record the original item being retired, and a record is also written to record the new item number used for the serialized record.  If the record was created by the RA Systen it will show the new item  in the note in the format“became” Item#  and it will also show the associated RA# in the Ref# field.


Changed Location.  Serial History record was created when the Location was changed manually by the operator from within the Serial Master Screen


Changed Serial Number.  Serial History record was created when the serial number of the serialized inventory item was changed manually by the operator from within the Serial Master Screen


Changed Owner.  Serial History record was created when the Owner was changed manually by the operator from within the Serial Master Screen. 


Changed Sold To.  Serial History record was created when the Sold To company was changed manually by the operator from within the Serial Master Screen.


Changed Vendor.  Serial History record was created when the Vendor was changed manually by the operator from within the Serial Master Screen


Direct Invoice.  Serial History record was created when item was directly invoiced out of the Invoicing/Order Completion program and serial number was recorded using the Invoice Item Serialization window.


Deleted – serial record was deleted due to incorrect item/serial combination.


Direct Shipper.  Serial History record was created when item was directly invoiced out of the Invoicing/Order Completion program, the invoice type was set to "DS", and the serial number of the item was recorded using the Invoice Item Serialization window.


Inventory Receipt.  Serial History record was created when serialized item was received as an inventory receipt and item was serialized using the Item Receipt Serialization window.


Inventory Transfer.  Serial History record was created when serialized inventory item was transferred from one inventory location to another and the item was serialized using the Item Transfer Serialization window.


Manually Created.  Serial Master record was manually created by operator from within the Serial Master Screen.


Manually Deleted.  Serial Master record was manually deleted by the operator from within the serial master screen.  This is normally done when a serial number is mis-keyed during receiving and is invalid.


Order Invoice.  Item was processed using the Sales Order Entry program and serial history record was created when item was invoiced and serial number was recorded using the Invoice Item Serialization window.


Order Shipper.  This type of Serial History record is created when the operator invoices a sales order with a sales order type of "L" (loaner), and the serial number of the item is recorded using the Invoice Item Serialization window.


Pending Assignment – Pending record was converted to RTV or owner name was changed from within VDF Pending Management program


Pending Invoice – This serial history record indicates that the item was invoiced to a customer from the Pending Management program.  When this transaction type is processed, the associated serial master record is changed from status L (on loan) to status S (sold).


Purchase Order Receipt.  Serial History record was created when serialized inventory item was received as a purchase order receipt and item was serialized using the Item Receipt Serialization window.


Pending Write Off – This serial history status code indicates that the item was written off using the Pending Management program.  When this type of transaction is processed, the serial master record is set to status X.


Return Authorization – This code is used when the serial number is assigned to a specific RA Line Item (the RA and Line# are saved in the Serial Master record for the Item.  The Serial History record is created with the RA# associated with the transaction loaded into the Ref# field and “Issued RA” in the Note field.  Another RA record is created when the RA Item is credited to the customer (This will show “RA Return to Stock” in the Note field).  The second RA record is written when an RA is moved to Pending, or an RA is simply credited to the customer.


Return Disposition – This serial history status code is used to indicate that the serialized item was returned to the Vendor using the RTV system.  This record is written as the pending records are closed out and an AP credit memo is issued on the vendor account.  The Serial Master records are updated to R (returned) status when this transaction type is processed.


Return to Inventory – This serial history status code is used when a serialized item is returned to inventory from Pending.  The reference number for this type of transaction is loaded with the Inventory Transaction Number that was used for the return.  When this type of transaction is processed, the serial master record status is changed from L to I (in stock).


Re-serialized – A RS serial history record is written when the serial numbers for an invoice are cleared from the invoice and the invoice is “re-serialized” using the Stream2 FV026S13 Invoice Item Serialization program.  This option is not currently supported in StreamV.  The RS Serial History record will show “Voided Assignment” in the Note field of the record and the invoice that was cleared in the Ref No field of the record.   At the time the RS records are written, the Serial Master records associated with the invoice are set back to I  or In Stock status, and the customer, last invoice number and date, and the price in the record are cleared.


Shop Order Completion.  This serial history record is created when a top level serialized item is completed in the Shop Floor Management program and the status of the Serial Master record is changed from B(being built) to I (in stock).  This code is also used when a by serialized by product is returned to inventory during shop order completion.


Shop Floor.  An SF Serial History record is created when a top level Serial Master record is created by the Shop Floor Program.


Serial Import.  Created when Serial Master records are created using the Import Serial Numbers option in the Serail Management program.


Shop Order Link.  This Serial History Transaction Type is written when serialized component items are linked to a top level serialized item in the Shop Floor System.  The Serial Master records for the components are changed from “I” to “W” status and the shop order, shop order line and the parent serial number are recorded in the Component Serial Master record when this transaction type is processed.


Shop Cancel.  This Serial History Transaction Type is not implemented but is reserved for future use.  A SX Serial History record is used to record the cancellation or voiding of a top level serialized item in the Shop Floor Management program.  This record is written when the top level serial master record is deleted manually in the Shop Floor program or when the shop order itself is deleted voided, or cancelled prior to completion.  Note:  The current Shop Order Management program will delete the top level serial numbers and the associated serial history records if the serial number are removed or de-linked from the shop order or the shop order is voided, deleted or cancelled prior to completion.


WIP In.  Shop Order Pull Processing (this code is not implemented but is reserved for future use).  A WI Serial History record is written when serialized components are pulled into work in process and the serial records for the components are updated during pull processing.  The Serial Master records are updated from status I (in stock) to W (in work in process) when this transaction is processed.


WIP Out.  Shop Floor Deletion.  A WO Serial History record is written when a serialized component item that has been linked to a shop order is returned to stock.  The Serial Master records for the component items are updated from W (in work in process) to I (in stock) when this transaction type is processed.


Written Off – This serial history record is written when a serialized inventory item quantity is written off (or up) in the inventory adjustment program.


Serialized Inventory System Startup