Serial Master Status Codes

The following codes are used to identify the status of each serial master record in the StreamV System.  The status of each record is updated by the system online during transaction processing and the status code is used to control and or restrict the operations that can be performed with the serial record.





Advanced Shipment Notification – The A Serial Master status is used to identify items that are being shipped to you by the vendor, that have not been received into your inventory yet.


Being Built.  The B status code is used to identify serialized top level shop order items that are in the process of being built.  As the top level shop order part is completed, the system will update the status of the record to I.  Status B serial records may not be sold and they may not be processed on an RA or return.


Consumed.  The C status code indicates that this serial/item number combination was consumed by the shop order system (i.e. used to build another item).  As serialized components are consumed by the shop order system, the shop order and the parent serial number that consumed the component are recorded in the serial master record.  Status C serial records may not be sold and they may not be processed on a return (RA).


Deleted Status – serial record deleted due to incorrect serial number – not a valid item/serial combination.


In Stock.  I status indicates that the Serial Master record is in stock and available for sale.  Serial Master records are updated to the I status code when they are received for the first time, when a top level serialized item is completed in the shop order program, when an item is returned from  customer, and when a serial master record is manually created in the Serial Master program.  A Serial Master record must be in stock in order for it to be invoiced to a customer or used in a shop order (once a component has been linked to a shop order, the status code is changed to W, and it is updated to C status when and if the shop order is completed).


Loan.  The L status indicates that the serialized item has been shipped to a customer on a Shipper or Loaner Invoice and that the item is being tracked in the Pending Inventory Sub-ledger.  Pending items are items that have been shipped out of your warehouse but which have not been sold to the customer (i.e. loaners, samples, etc).  If the Pending item is returned to inventory, the status of the record is updated to I at that point, so that it can be sold again.


Production.  The P status is used to identify a by product serial number in the Shop Floor Management program prior to completion.  A By product is a component part that is produced instead of consumed by the production of the top level part (an example might be a hard drive that is removed from a computer and replaced with a different drive).  By Product Serial Numbers are recorded prior to Shop Order Completion and the status of the By Product Serial Master record is changed from P to I (in stock) when the Shop Order is completed.


Returned to Vendor.    This serial status code is used to identify an item that was received into inventory and then later returned to the vendor for stock rotation or due to the item being defective.  * Note, the system does not currently support receiving a status R serial number but this support may be added to the application in the future.


Sold.  The S status code indicates that the item has been sold.  An item must have a status of S in order for it to be returned using the RA system.  Serial Master records are updated to status S when they are invoiced.


WIP.  The W status code indicates that the Serial Master record is in work in process (it is a component that has been pulled into work in process for a specific shop order number).  Serial Master records are converted from “I” to “W” status when a serialized component is pulled from inventory into work in process and when the component is linked to the top level serial number that is being built with the component.


Written Off – Serial record was deactivated.  This can be due to expensing the item or item being lost in warehouse.  This serial status is set when you write off a serialized inventory item quantity in the inventory adjustment or pending management programs.


Serial History Transaction Types