Shipping Information

The Shipping Information option which can be accessed from the More or the Context (Right Mouse Button) Menus, allows you to display the Manifest records that have been created for the selected invoice.

When the Shipping Information option is selected, the system activates the Manifest Lookup program and it loads the program with the manifest or shipment records that have been created for the invoice.

The Manifest Lookup program allows you to view all of the Manifest records that have been generated for the selected invoice and it also allows you to.

      Access the Manifest Detail Panel – which allows you to view the detailed information that is stored in each record in the Manifest file, and to view edit or create image or comment records for the selected Manifest record.

      Track Shipments for shipping providers that support online tracking of the goods you ship (examples include UPS and FEDEX).

      View the File and Field Help information or database definitions for the files and fields displayed in the Manifest Lookup program or in the Manifest Detail Panel.  The Column Help option in the Manifest Lookup and the Field Help Button in the Manifest Detail Panel can be used to access the Cove Field Help System.

The Manifest Lookup program is part of the Order Fulfillment (OF) System and it is completely described the documentation for the Order Fulfillment system.  You may obtain more information about the program by activating it and using the Help key to display the main help documentation for the program.


Payment Activity