Shipping Tab Page

The Shipping Tab Page is used to view or modify the Shipto or Shipping address and the other shipment information for the purchase order being processed.  The information that is included in the Shipping Tab Page includes the following.

Shipvia:  The shipping method to be used by the vendor for the Purchase Order.  This information defaults based on the default Shipvia for the vendor being used in each purchase order and it can be changed as required by using the prompt button that is located to the right of the window.

Viaterms:  The shipment terms to be used for the PO.  This information also defaults based on the vendor that is specified on the purchase order and the default Viaterms that are assigned to the vendor record.  The Viaterms for the order can be changed as required by using the prompt button that is located to the right of the window.

Ship Order From:  The Ship Order from window is only displayed when you are processing a PO for the IFT vendor.  The Ship Order from field is used to specify the warehouse location from which inventory will be transferred when you are entering an IFT or inter-facility transfer purchase order.  The window is not displayed or used unless an IFT PO is being created.

Backorders allowed:  Indicates to the vendor whether or not back orders will be permitted against the PO.  This information defaults based on the vendor being used on the PO and can be changed as required.

Partial Shipments allowed flag:  Indicates to the vendor whether you will accept partial shipments against the PO.  This information defaults based on the vendor being used on the PO and can be changed as required.

Shipto Address:  The Shipto Address fields display the shipping address that should be used by the Vendor for the order.  The Shipto Address fields are loaded based on the default Shipto Address for the operator when a vendor is selected during PO Entry.  The Shipto address information can be changed if required using the Warehouse Addresses Button – which displays and allows you to select from the Shipto records for each of your warehouse locations, or using the All Shipto Addr. Button – which displays and allows you to select from all Shipto addresses (customers and inventory locations) that have been created on the system.

Warehouse Addresses Button:  When the Warehouse Addresses Button is pressed, the system activates the Shipto Lookup program and it loads the programs with the Shipto Addresses which have been created for the –COVELOC Account.  The –COVELOC customer and Account Number are used for internal purposes such as IFT Transfers.  The –COVELOC customer is also be used to associate other records such as Shipto and Contact records to your company (the company running the system).  The Ship To Address records for each of your Warehouse locations are tied to this special purpose customer record.

All Shipto Addr. Button:   When the All Shipto Addr. Button is pressed, the system activates the Shipto Lookup program and it loads the program with all of the Shipto Addresses which have been created on your system.  The All Shipto Addr. Button should be used carefully as purchase orders for items to be received into your warehouses should use a Shipto Address that points to one of your Warehouse Locations.    The All Shipto Addr. Button can be used to tell the vendor to ship the goods on the PO directly to a customer, but this procedure happens automatically when a vendor shipment order is processed in the system.

Set Default Shipto Button:  The Set Default Shipto Button allows you to set the default Shipping Address to be used by the PO Entry program when you activate it.  This default ship to address is used when a manual PO is created in the PO Entry program or when a Type R PO requisition is converted to a PO in the

Ship Contact:  The Shipping Contact at your company that should be used by the Vendor if they have questoins about the purchase order.  The Shipping Contact is loaded into the PO Entry program from the Shipto record being used for the PO.


Accounting Tab Page