Standard Comments

The system can also be configured to automatically create a set of “standard comments” when a new customer or other static data record is created.  When the operator wants to add a new comment the list of standard comments is displayed and they may select one, or create a “non-standard” i.e. free form or user comment. 

This feature is useful when you wish to implement security on some comment types and want to control how each comment is numbered (to streamline the security setup and maintenance of the records).  The standard comments for each type of data record (customers, inventory items, vendors, etc..) are controlled by a Text Data record that can be set up and maintained by your system administrator.

Standard comments are supported for the following static data records.

    Customer Master

      Catalog and Inventory Master

      Vendor Master

      Manufacturer Master

Standard comment creation is implemented using a record in the Textdata File (File 240). Textdata records include some fixed length fields such as the Type and Code field and a variable length text field (much like the comment file).  TextData records are used to store various control information used by the system and are discussed in more detail in the Textdata Application Note.

The TextData record used for Standard Comment creation  assigned a type of “ACD” and a code of STDEFCOM.

The actual comments to be created are defined using the variable length text field in the TextData record.  Each comment is defined using one line in the text field.  These lines are formatted as follows

Source, Comment Line,” Comment Title”

The source section is based on the comment source codes listed later in this document.  The comment line number is a number from 1000 – 2999 (comments line numbers below 1000 are used for transaction data and free-form static data comments, and comment numbers above 2999 are reserved for additional information comments).  Comments from 1000-2999 are also sometimes used for specific purposes but you may wish to create them automatically (see the reserved comment section of this document for more information).

Some examples of Standard Comments for customers might include

      TX,2000,”Customer Business Information”

      TX,2001,”Customer Order Entry Notes”

      TX,2200,”Customer Credit Information”

      TX,2210,”Customer Collection Activity”

In the above example, the last two standard comments contain information that needs to be restricted to only credit and collections personnel and this restriction could be implemented and enforced easily by setting up security parameters for those comments.  Comment security options are described explained later in this document.

Some Examples of Standard Comments for Inventory Items Might Include

      IN,1010,”Inventory Invoice Comments

      IN,1020,”Inventory Manufacturing Comments”

      IN, 2050,”Inventory Warranty Information”

Please Note: The Standard Comments that you create can also include the reserved comment numbers that are described later in this document.  By combining the standard comment creation with some of the special purpose reserved comment numbers, you can create comments as each new static data record is created.  This comment will be used automatically during processing for a specific purpose (printing messages on picking lists, invoices, quotes, shop orders, etc.).   Please see the reserved comment numbers section of this document for more information.


Comment Format