VM Operations Programs

The Vendor Management Operations programs allow you to create and maintain Vendor and Vendor Contact records for the vendor companies and individuals at those companies that you do business with.  The Vendor and Vendor Contact records that are created and maintained in the Vendor Management System are used by the Accounts Payable, Purchasing, and by other applications in the StreamV System.

The Operations programs in the Vendor Management System also allow you to perform the following vendor related tasks.

      Create and Maintain Comments or text notes for Vendors and Vendor contacts.  Both free form or user comments and standard comments (which are automatically displayed or printed by certain programs) are supported.

      View the Accounts Payable Invoices that have been processed for the selected vendor and the other information (GL distribution details, inventory activity records) associated with each invoice.

      Enter a new Accounts Payable Invoice for a specific vendor

      View the Payments that have been recorded for the selected vendor.

      View the Purchase Order History for the selected vendor.

      Process a Manual Payment for the selected vendor.’

The following sections of this document describe the Vendor Management Operations programs and the other programs that can be accessed from the Vendor Management Operations programs. 

Please note: Programs from various systems in the StreamV Application may be included on the same menu and some of the programs that you can access from the Vendor Management programs or menus may belong to other systems.  When a program that is not part of the Vendor Management (VM) system is described in this document, the system that the program belongs to is listed in parenthesis after the program name.  For example the Vendor Invoice Lookup is actually part of the Accounts Payable (AP) system and it is completely described in the documentation for the AP system.  Regardless of where (which menu, or program) a program is called from, the Help option (the F1 Key), will display the primary help documentation for the program when the help option is used in the program.


Vendor Manager

Vendor Detail

Vendor Contact Detail