Adjust Quantity Window

The quantity to be adjusted.  Increases to the item quantity should be entered as a postive number, decreases to the item quantity should be entered as a negative number. 

The Inventory Adjustment program will not allow you to adjust on hand quantity for the item being processed below the allocated quantity for the item (if the item is allocated to any sales or shop orders), or below zero.  If you need to adjust the item on hand quantity below the allocated quantity, you must first reduce the allocated quantity for the item by de-allocating from the appropriate sales and shop order lines. 

The Adjustment program will also not allow you to adjust the bin quantity for an item below the committed quantity in the selected bin (the bin committed quantity stores the total quantity in the bin that has been committed or assigned to specific sales order pick tickets or shop order pull tickets that have been printed but not processed).  If there are printed but un-processed pick and pull tickets for the item being adjusted, these documents may need to be re-set in order to reduce the committed quantity in the bin and allow the adjustment to be saved.


Bin Window