Airborne via OmniRush

Cove Systems uses the Omnirush backend server to interface with Airborne’s online shipping system.   When the operator presses SAVE to complete the shipment the system checks the shipping method and the “shipper number” of the shipping method.  If the shipper number is “3” the system processes the shipment using OmniRush for shipments via Airborne.

First the destination address is checked to confirm that it is a legal address (US addresses only).  Then, the boxes are scanned to confirm that they a legal to send via Airborne.

For each box in the shipment a record is created in the ORJob file which is scanned by OmniRush every second.  When OmniRush sees the record it picks it up, identifies it as in-process by placing a “~” in front of the Track name.  Omnirush sends the data to Airborne.  Airborne updates it’s records and sends back an image of the label for printing.  The status of the Manifest record is set to “S” + the OmniRush job number when the job is submitted.

Once the ORJOB records for a shipment have been passed to OmniRush the system waits for the ORHistry records to be returned before continuing processing.     OmniRush creates a shipment record (job) in the OrHistry file containing information about the shipment, including the tracking number and cost.  The manifesting process then loops to wait for the shipment record to be processed by OmniRush.

OmniRush picks up the job, merges it with the shipment template specified by the job and sends an XML message to Airborne’s computer system via the Internet.  When Airborne has processed the shipment record it sends back a confirmation with; the tracking number, cost of the shipment and a shipping label in PNG format.  OmniRush stores the label in bitmap format (BMP), creates an OrHistry record and updates the original ORJob file to indicate the job was processed.  

When the Return records have appeared in the ORHistry file the system captures the tracking number and cost information to update the Manifest records.  The manifest status is set to “A” + the Omnirush job number to identify the manifest record as being accepted.

Airborne Configuration Information (Technical Information)


F248: ABTRACK –      Airborne Track Name - The name of the Omnirush track to use.  This is normally always AIRBRN.  This parameter is the same for all Airborne shipping operators.

F248: ABVTR -         Airborne Virtual Track Name - If shipments are coming out of multiple warehouses or different shipper names are required then virtual tracks must be used.  Each virtual track is a VTR file setup on the OmniRush server that contains all the information about the track. The contents of this parameter are included in the reference line sent to OmniRush.  This parameter is set for each shipping operator to route the printer output to them properly and to get the correct warehouse address on the label.

F248: AB-LASER       The name of the print queue for this user/Whs Operator.

F248: AB-IMAGE       Indicate what type of image we should save AB label as. Default value “.BMP”

F248: AB-LBLDR        The directory where the AB labels is being saved to.

FedEx via OmniRush


Cove Systems uses the Omnirush backend server to interface with FedEx’s shipping system.   When the operator presses SAVE to complete the shipment the system checks the shipping method and the “shipper number” of the shipping method.  If the shipper number is “2” the system processes the shipment using OmniRush for shipments via FedEx.  All processing is done on the OmniRush server until the end of the day when an automated upload is done to FedEx’s computers and any new rate information is down loaded.

First the destination address is checked to confirm that it is a legal address.  Then, the boxes are scanned to confirm that they a legal to send via FedEx.

For each box in the shipment a record is created in the ORJob file which is scanned by OmniRush every second.  When OmniRush sees the record it picks it up, identifies it as in-process by placing a “~” in front of the Track name.  As Omnirush processed the shipment, the status of Manifest record is set to “S” + the OmniRush job number when the job is submitted.

Once the ORJOB records for a shipment have been passed to OmniRush the system waits for the ORHistry records to be returned before continuing processing.     OmniRush creates a shipment record (job) in the ORHistry file containing information about the shipment, including the tracking number and cost.  The manifesting process then loops to wait for the shipment record to be processed by OmniRush.

OmniRush picks up the job, merges it with the shipment template specified by the job and processed the Shipment.  When it is done it provides confirmation with; the tracking number, cost of the shipment and a shipping label in PNG format.  OmniRush stores the label in bitmap format (BMP), creates an OrHistry record and updates the original ORJob file to indicate the job was processed.  

When the Return records have appeared in the ORHistry file the system captures the tracking number and cost information to update the Manifest records.  The manifest status is set to “A” + the Omnirush job number to identify the manifest record as being accepted.

There are options available on multiple FEDEX services. The use of these options is controlled by setting the Shipment Attributes during order entry.


Shipment Attributes Supported for FedEx Shipments




Internal Code


Residential Delivery



Saturday Delivery





FedEx Technical Information

Configuration Information

F248: FXTRACK –      FedEx Track Name - The name of the Omnirush track to use.  This is normally always FEDEX.  This parameter is the same for all FedEx shipping operators.

F248: FXVTR -         FedEx Virtual Track Name - If shipments are coming out of multiple warehouses or different shipper names are required then virtual tracks must be used.  Each virtual track is a VTR file setup on the OmniRush server that contains all the information about the track. The contents of this parameter are included in the reference line sent to OmniRush.  This parameter is set for each shipping operator to route the printer output to them properly and to get the correct warehouse address on the label.

F248: FX-LASER       the name of the print queue for this user/Whs Operator.

F248: FX-IMAGE       Indicate what type of image we should save FX label as. Default value “.BMP”

F248: FX-LBLDR        the directory where the FX labels is being saved to.


  Type:         SOP

  Code:         FX_RATE 

Description: Holds the default values for the FedEx SOAP requests. Some values should be updated based on the site, EX: [SERVER] is the Server that is running OR SOAP server, Could be machine name or IP address. Most other values should stay the same/default for all sites. 

Non-standard shipments

COD Shipment –       The system determines if a shipment is COD by looking at the Terms record associated with the invoice.  If the COD flag is set in the Terms record, the code COD: followed by the value amount from the box record.  Prior to a COD shipment being processed the system checks the OmniRush SOAP server to get the shipping charge, updates the invoice and adds this amount to the value of the first box.

The payment type code is also sent based on the description the Terms record.  If the description contains the word CASH and the word CASHIERS CHECK or MONEY ORDER the payment code PTP:2 is sent.  If only the word CASH is in the description the code PTP:3 is sent.  Otherwise the code PTP:1 is sent.

Declared Value – The system looks at F248: FXINSUSE.  If not set to “N” the system will send the code VAL:<value> using the value from the box record to declare a value for insurance purposes.

Alternate Bill to - When the shipping charges are to be billed to either the consignee or a third party.  Usually this is a situation where the customer wants FEDEX to bill them as they have better rates.  If the SHIP_BILLING field in the Order Header associated with the invoice contains a value this is taken to be the FEDEX account to bill.  The system sends the code FDA: followed by the account number from the Ship_Billing field.

Fulfillment – When shipments are being made for your customer, and the return address must be modified the Omnirush Virtual Track option must be used.  This is an advanced option and requires additional system configuration, contact your sales or support contact at Cove.

UPS Shipping






Do we use UPS shipping insurance?

Y or N


Do we charge for shipping insurance?

Y or N

COD Shipments

The processing of COD shipments requires the calculation of the shipping charges prior to submitting the shipment for manifesting as the shipping amount must be included in the COD amount.  Whether a shipment is COD this determined by the invoice COD flag in the TERMS record associated with the invoice.  Two types of COD are supported, normal COD and COD Cash only.  If the name of the Terms contains the word CASH then the shipment is processed as COD Cash Only.

Each shipping sub-module may use a different method to determine the shipping costs, and any markup to be charge.

FedEx & UPS Via OmniRush – These sub-modules use the SOAP server provided by OmniRush which runs on the OmniRush server machine.  The Generic Manifesting program interrogates the SOAP server prior to manifesting to get the freight charges which are then included with the invoice amount as the COD amount.


Omnirush Soap Interface from FV069S01

During processing by FV069S01, prior to submitting the shipment for manifesting the COD amount is calculated by requesting the shipping charges from the OmniRush SOAP server and adding this to the invoice amount.

Character Mode Programming Notes

The SOAP server is accessed by a process of the VDF Jobber program which processes requests by the character mode version of FV069S01.  These requests are passed through the JOBS file.  When FV069S01 wishes to check a rate it does the following:

Job Submission

An array is loaded with request default information. With the first entry in the array being the code associated with the SOAP definition record that is being used.  The second entry in the array is reserved for control information.

The program set the values in the array to information specific to the shipment being made.  This includes address information, shipping method and shipment attributes.

A Job record and a Report record are created.

The Job record points to the Report record.

The array is written to the Report Record.

 Job Processing

The Jobber finds the Job Record.

The Job Record status is updated to “I” for in process.

The Jobber finds the Report Record

The data from the Report Record is loaded into an Array

The Cove Soap Interface (CSI) is called and the Array ID passed to it.

Soap Submission

The CSI reads the Array.

Then, the CSI loads the properties in the SOAP object and issues a function call to the SOAP server.

The SOAP server must of course be running at this point.

The SOAP server makes a real-time request to FDEX or UPS and returns the shipping charge.

Job Completion

The shipping charge is appended to the report record text.

The report record is written to disk.

The Job record status is updated to “C” and written to disk.

The job is done.


Airborne via LIBRA