Creating a Quote

The following steps should be followed in order to create a Quote.

      Use the Customer Management or the Customer Manager program to locate the customer for whom the loaner order is to be entered.  If the customer does not exist, the customer should be created. 

      Select the New Order or New Order/Quote Button.  This action activates the Sales Order Entry program.  As the Order Entry program activates, it will load the default billing and shipping information for the customer, and it displays any notes or warnings that are relevant for the customer. 

      Verify or change the order type.  The Order Type displayed in the Sales Order Entry program will be loaded automatically based on the default order type defined for each customer.  The Order Type should be set to Q (Quote).

      Verify or Change the ShipTo Information to be used for the order.  The StreamV Order Processing system allows you to define numerous ShipTo addresses for each customer, and to identify one of the ShipTo addresses as a default.  If a default ShipTo address has been defined for the customer, the default address is loaded into the order entry program automatically.  The ShipTo address to be used for each order can be changed, and a new ShipTo address can also be created from within the order entry program if required.

      Verify or change the other information that is common to the whole order.  You should input the customer PO and any other required information, and verify or change the default terms, shipping method, contact information and other information  that is common to the entire order.

Note:  The Backorder, Partial and Fulfillment flags are not used when a quote is entered, as a quote is not processed.  The flags can be set but are only used if the quote is converted to a sales order.

      Verify or Change the Partial and or Backorder flag in the quote based on the customer being processed.  The Partial flag determines if partial shipments can be sent to the customer (Y) or not (N).  The Backorder flag is used to default the backorder handling for each line item on the order.  Y indicates that the item can be backordered, N indicates that the system should cancel any remaining open qty in the line once a shipment has been sent for it.  Each Inventory Item also contains a backorder flag and if the Backorder flag in the item is set to N, it will override the setting in the sales order line.

      Verify or Change the Fulfillment method default flags.  The default fulfillment method for an order is to ship the items from one of your warehouse locations.  If the order being entered should be vendor shipped, or special ordered, you should change the Vendor Shipment or Special Order Line Default flag in the order header.  This will cause the line items in the sales order to default to the selected fulfillment method.  Only one flag may be set to Y. 

      Enter the items and quantities to be included on the quote to the customer.  Once the header information for the quote has been entered, you may select the Order Lines Tab in the Sales Order Entry program and use the insert key to activate the Order Entry Item Panel.  The Order Entry Item panel allows you to select and enter the items and quantities for the quote, and it automatically calculates the price to be charged for each order line (pricing can also be manually specified when required – based on security). 

      Save the Quote


Editing a Quote